Windows Media Player Question

Under the file menu, there is a list of *.wmv files that I have recently played. I would like to remove them from this list. How?

If your Media Player is like mine, you’ve got 4 entries on that list, and the quickest way to replace them is by opening 4 new .wmv files.

First 2 Disclaimers:

  1. YMMV depending on the WMP version you have. I am on 8.
  2. Messing with the registry can have dire consequences if you change the wrong thing.

Open the registry with Regedt32 (NT/2K/XP) or Regedit (Win95/98/ME).
Go to HKCU. It is important to go to CURRENT USER and not LOCAL MACHINE. WMP has settings in both. The setting you are after is in HKCU.
HKCU->Software->MediaPlayer->Player->RecentFileList. The files are listed as strings. Delete the strings. DO NOT DELETE THE DEFAULT VALUE.
Close Regedt32, reopen media player. Viola, your recent history is gone.

Thanks for the info, but what is the registry? And what is Regedt32 (NT/2K/XP) or Regedit (Win95/98/ME)?

Actually, don’t bother with that last post. I figured it out all by my lonesome. Thanks again.

Wow thanks for this thread. This has been driving me nuts, as I have (HAD!) some screen-width file names in there!

For an easy solution, go here

Advanced privacy protector is free and will wipe all traces and histories that you could want. (Documents, win media, IE history, etc.)

>> Viola, your recent history is gone

Who is Viola?

I’ve got an Aunt Viola. I don’t think she knows how to use Windows Media Player though.