Windows XP SP1

Anyone else install this yet? I did, and my fancy themes (UXtheme.dll patch) wouldn’t work anymore. I forgot how I got it that way, so I installed Style XP - but I think that is limited to 30 days. :frowning:

So anyone else have any problems with SP1? I expected to have problems, but it went smoothly except for the theme problem. I don’t fully understand what SP 1 fixed aside from the huge security hole in XP (that nobody knew about?? I don’t get that).

And there was another update: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (Windows XP), and it left all those annoying shortcuts for Windows Media Player everywhere.

No problems, but I’ve been frequently dloading updates, so the service pack probably didn’t add a whole lot to my system.

There is a huge security hole which is only patched by SP-1. See your favorite computer news site for details, but the exploit invovling faulty URLs is nasty.

:frowning: :eek: