Wireless Internet Connection Problem

I am having a problem with the wireless internet where I am subleting. The problem is I cannot receive packets. I think this might have something to do with the encryption in the house wireless network. Right now I am connected through another wireless network that is not encryped (the neighbors). Is this dangerous? I have a firewall.

Anyways back to my problem. I can send informtion packets but I cannot recieve them. I am using an Intel pro/wireless LAN 2100 3A mini adaptor. I am not sure what kind of wireless network it is. I have the encryption key so that is not the problem. I guess I could wait for my roommates to get back and they should have a better idea but they won’t be until summer seasion starts. Any ideas on what the problem is or how I can fix it?


Are you using WinXP? It’s delivered with the firewall enabled.

What firewall are you using?

I am using XP pro firewall and McAfee.

I had a somewhat similar problem, if I’m understanding you correctly. I could “see” the network, and could connect to it- heck, I could send packets to it, but I couldn’t receive any!

It turned out, and even SBC’s tech support couldn’t help me on this, I was trying to share a wireless channel with a neighbor. Try changing the channel so you’re not sharing, see if that helps.

You wouldn’t happen to have a Dell laptop would you?

How would I do that?

Yes, it is a Dell.