Warning: this post involves spoilers from the season premiere and second episode.
I think Nottingham has been much too vocal, and much too large and in charge. In the first season, great pains were taken to show that he was Damaged Goods, and exactly how much under Iron’s thumb he was, and the internal conflict he felt. But this season he seems to be pretty much doing whatever he wants. Not nearly as cool, especially since he is now [last chance to click out if you’re avoiding spoilers] set up to be the major villain.
Irons: Way too creepy. I guess we don’t have to do the gradual revealing of the depths of his evil, since it was done last season, but geezamightly, they’ve sure shot their wad on that character! At least they killed him out rather than having to escalate above the 2nd episode evil, which would have been pretty tough.
Anybody else freak out at the strong sexual component? It was much more subtle last season. I guess they have more license to do that sort of thing, now that they’ve demonstrated that they have a successful series.
I like what they’re doing with Jake hovering around in the background. You know he’s a key mover and shaker, but you’re not sure where he’s going to come into the story in a big way.
I know it’s just too much to hope that the Conchobar thing just doesn’t happen. Man, I hated Conchobar.
I think they made a major mistake at the end of the first season with the whole “let’s pretend it never happened” ending. Aside from all the loose ends (how about all the murders that Sara prevented/the whole revenge for Dad’s death subplot), what about all the information from Irons that she learned about the Witchblade? She seems to know how to use it much better than she did originally. They can get around some of this in the same way that they avoided Danny’s death – by having memories sort of “leak” from the previous reality. But it’s still pretty annoying.
I think they had to get rid of Irons because they had already used up all the interesting plots relating to him (although he seems to be showing up in hallucinations a lot, so maybe the actor will still get work
Nottingham only works as a character if he remains aloof and mysterious. (I did like the line “Do you ever NOT lurk?”)
Do you think he’s going to be the major villain? I’m thinking more that he will take Iron’s role – possible ally with ambigous motivies and extensive knowledge.
They pissed me off mightily on the season premiere by talking about carbon dating metal objects. As far as I know, carbon dating only works on organic substances.
The second episode (first regular length episode) seemed more like an episode of The Shield. Gritty, but what did it have to do with the Witchblade?
Finagle, the carbon-dating bit annoyed me as well until I retconned it. She did say there were a lot of impurities–given Bronze Age forging techniques, some of those impurities would be carbon residue from the forge. It might be possible to date those. At least it was plausible enough to keep me from throwing anything at the screen.
The second episode offers a possible tie-in with the White Bulls, although where they are without Irons, I’m not sure.
Just a guess, but I’m currently expecting some split-personality action from Ian this season. He’s got some serious internal conflicts to work out. We may also see him trying to convince Sarah that she needs him by arranging problems for her. He did the creepy head-bowed thing to death last season. Now he’s got a chance to do all sorts of new creepy things.
Another point about Jake: He’s actually seen the Witchblade in use now–something they carefully avoided in the first season. He may have been under the influence at the time, but you can be sure he will file it away and be on the lookout for more. Likewise, Danny knows something is up. She’s going to have a harder time keeping secrets this time out.
Final comment–I loved what she did with the Lance at the end of the premiere.
Yes! I had to do a double take when they showed that.
The end of last season annoyed the hell out of me, but I saw that corner the writers were writing themselves into coming and despaired because I really like this show.
Ian, poor guy. I feel bad for him and all his issues. He had enough last time, but now he should be really messed up.
I’m quite happy with it. And the bit about the lance in the bar was so unsurprising to me - it’s what I would have written. The only other oprion would have been to work with what’s-his-name, the kid, to sell it and make a pretty penny. That wouldn’t work because nobody wants that thing out and about for eeeeevil people to use.
I’m interested in seeing how they develop Danny once he starts figuring out what’s going on and can actually share more scenes with Sarah.
As an aside, did anyone ever read the comic? I have to tell you: the show is so much better.
Whoops, looks like I got a bit confused. I was thinking that the two-hour premiere was two episodes (okay, so my attention drifted . . .) but now I’ve seen the 2nd episode, and I liked it quite a bit. Nice character development for Jake, without springing the White Bull thing in its entirety too early.
Does anybody know if you can actually get a buzz off fugu? I’d never heard of that before!
Oh, and, uh, pursuant to the drifting-attention thing . . . what happened with the Lance? (Sorry, I’ll pay more attention from now on, I promise.)
As for the carbon dating: Let’s just say that my husband and I are already calling the forensic lady Dr. Bad-Science. She exists to give Sara whatever scientific-seeming information will advance the plot. Accept it, and move on.
Interestingly, last season they developed her character a little bit, as they seem to be continuing, by giving her problems with smoking and drinking and such on the job.
I love how the show gives even tertiary characters quirks like real people, adds reality to a show about unreality.
Yes, you can get a buzz from fugu. I’ve never had it, but I suspect the effect is generally less extreme than shown.
As for the Lance:
It was hanging on the wall behind the bar at the end. One of the world’s deadliest artifacts was treated like a bartender’s trophy bass. When you think about it, it’s probably the best possible thing to do with it.