Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Fucking peaceniks.
So, just to make sure that I understand your position: We found WMD after invading with no solid evidence that they existed, but that makes it all ok? Also, I would love to hear your comment on how these weapons were not used, and how that plays in to your patriotic fiction.
I’d love to see a link showing a majority of “peaceniks” claiming that there were no WMD, or that we wouldn’t find any. Thanks.
It’s more of a “we’re right and you guys listened to the French” situation I believe.
Dunno, I won’t believe it until it’s independantly verified.
At least one of those reports of WMD has been retracted.
"It’s more of a “we’re right and you guys listened to the French” situation I believe.
Please provide cite for the French saying that they had positive proof that no WMDs were in existence.
Let me make sure that I understand your position: You know just as much as the highest levels of our government, and know for a fact that they invaded with no solid evidence.
I assume you are a direct security advisor to G.W.B. and are privy to all the classified information to which he is.
While I find Binarydrone’s ‘WMDs being found doesn’t matter’ position kind of laughable, it’s actually immaterial at the moment.
I’m with CRorex. The articles I’ve seen on MSNBC and CNN both indicate it’s preliminary, it’s being sent out for confirmation, and they don’t say what “it” is… Finding Sarin or Mustard Gas would be one thing… But the articles I’m seeing say “chemical warfare agents” not “WMD” – at this point it could be tear gas for all we know. Too many false leads thus far… I’m withholding ANY reaction until this is confirmed.
Note: unlike the first articles I saw, the current updates now indicates Mustard Gas and Sarin as being what’s suspected. So ignore that part, but I still think this needs to be confirmed before we start a “neener neener” war here…
WMD again? What will it be really this time, nail polish?
BTW, we illegally invaded a sovereign nation on no evidence and turned thousands of Arabs into terrorists who want us all dead, increasing the amount of terror attacks on our soil. Neener Neener Neener!! Maybe your stupid wargasms and duck tape will save you from nuclear fire.
Sigh, are we going to trot that tired old nag out? My position is that you do not go to war based on secret evidence. Period. Really, that is too much McCarthy Era bullshit “I have a secret list of Commies” for me.
I love it. Chemicals at an agricultural facility… but what do you know, they turned out to be pesticide.
Gosh, who would have thunk it? Pesticide at a FARM! Of all the places! You’d think those dastardly Iraqis were trying to grow food or something.
Right. Last I checked politics were not religion, and believing in my government on faith and faith alone was not part of how this country operates.
And, as Binarydrone says, the issue is/was not about the objective, absolute truth regarding what weapons Iraq may or may not have. It’s about whether we have evidence of it.
Im not talking about the barrels. Im talking about the missles.
You know alot of farmers who dust their fields for grasshoppers using missiles? Im sure its effective as hell!
You know, I am really undecided as to whether this war is a wise decision or not. I change my mind every day, vacillating back and forth. But one thing that continues to frost my shorts is this claim that people keep making that we invaded “on no evidence.”
Can we please amend that to “no evidence of which I am aware?” Because I have to agree with Lord Ashtar on at least one point: there may, indeed, be evidence, on the basis of which important choices are being made, and of which we (ie, the American public and/or the international community) have not been made aware. Yet. If the U.S. Army finds WMD in Iraq, this possibility becomes somewhat more likely. You do not know, Tars, that there was no evidence. Just that you never saw any. A fine distinction, perhaps, but one that is worth making.
Im not talking about the barrels. Im talking about the missles.
You know alot of farmers who dust their fields for grasshoppers using missiles? Im sure its effective as hell!
Well, an equally justifiable position is that “You don’t compromise your intelligence assets”. So if publicizing the information would cause the flow of information to be stopped, or even worse, would place your informants in danger, then this is not a viable option.
What you really object to is that there is no government official who can say “I have seen the proof and it’s convincing.” that you find trustworthy. Don’t know what to tell you except that it’s OK to be skeptical but when the evidence mounts to a certain point, you do have to let it go.
See, it is this sort of exchange that has been pissing me off about the war from the get go. I try to express a complex thought. Something like stating that I do not believe that the people of the world (myself included) were given sufficient reason for starting this war, and that no matter what we find or do not find, that fact will not change Also, that I believe that when we are talking about starting a war, it is not good enough to have secret reasons (although I can naturally understand the need for secrecy strategy wise after the conflict begins).
This gets reduced to claiming that I stated that WMD do not matter. I know that the average American may not be the best creature at nuanced thought, but I really thought better of you.
Do you honestly expect Bush, Cheney, et al to come out with everything they have? That’s just plain ignorant. That would be like going on international TV and drawing a map in the sand.
fuck that. I got evidence you are a child pornographer. I just can’t show anyone, because of security reasons. But look at this photo of a truck. The truck could be carrying child porn to your house! You must be arrested immediatly, you CHILD PORNOGRAPHER! Who cares if there are real child pornographers running around out there, i say you are one, so we must attack IMMEDIATLY!