Wolfgang Peterson to direct Enders Game. What else has he directed?

www.hatrack.com and www.endersgame.com have reported Enders Game will be directed by Wolfgang Peterson. I think I know the name. What movies has he directed? I may have never seen one, but I may recognize a name.
I can’t wait :slight_smile:

The IMDB is one of my recurring short duration personal heroes.

Now, Das Boot is great, but his last few films don’t really inspire confidence in my heart. A great deal will depend on whoever ends up adapting the screenplay, and even more on the caliber of the children actors involved.

The one I know of, that I’m sure you’ve heard of is The Perfect Storm.

::clearing throat::

Wolfgang Petersen’s worked with kid actors before, most notably in The Neverending Story.

They could do worse than Wolfgang Petersen. At least it’s not some of the other go-to action guys, like Michael Bay or gag Renny Harlin. Even at his most formulaic (ie., Air Force One), Pertersen isn’t too bad.

I’m really not much of a sci-fi fan, but Ender’s Game was a good book. I hope they don’t screw it up. It looks like Orson Scott Card is writing the script, so that could help (You might need to register for the link to work, but it’s free).

Hard to say Anamorphic, writing a book is not like writing a script, and from what I’ve heard, Card is making the mistake that a lot of novel writers make when writing scripts of their own novels. Namely, forgetting that you can’t use internal dialog to convey things in a visual medium.

right. the best way for an adaption to come out is for an experienced screenwriter to do the actual writing, while the original author has veto power over any elements the screenwriter adds, though he can’t actually add anything himself, beyond suggestions.

what seems the most interesting about this film is just how dependent this movie is going to be on lots of very good, very young child actors. hell, Bean’s supposed to look barely six. seems like there’s some age shifting/ horrible, horrible acting approaching, or a lot of carreers starting.

also, is anyone else getting premonitions of haley joel osment —> peter wiggin? i think it would go great.
[/sleep deprived ramble]

Good point, although some good screenwriters have started off as novelists. William Goldman leaps to mind.

And besides, you don’t have to convince ME that they should hire an experienced screenwriter to do the job. I’ll be free in about two months. :smiley:

Peterson also directed “Outbreak”. I was a technical advisor on that film, and had the pleasure of working with the gentleman. However, I’m almost embarrassed to admit I had anything to do with that flick. The script had some serious technical flaws that were pointed out by me and other advisors. (glaring example: in the end they instantly cured a viral disease by transfusing the serum of a monkey…wtf???). Because of conflicts with the writers, the ending wasn’t concocted until the filming was nearly half-completed. In the rush to finish the film, they failed to ensure that the ending was scientifically plausible, and ignored the protests of the science advisors. A very fascinating but frustrating experience! It would certainly be a shame if he mis-manages the filmmaking of a wonderful story like “Ender’s Game”.

erm…that should be “Petersen”, not “Peterson”

Wasn’t Card a playwright before he became a novelist? Perhaps he’s more qualified to write a screenplay than you think.

Too bad the movie wasn’t made five or six years ago so Osment could play Ender. He would’ve been perfect.

Just checked my library, and the original “Ender’s Game” story appeared in Analog in the August 1977 issue (Cover was for Robert Asprin’s “Cold Cash War”) so it’s been nearly a quarter century since the story’s first appearance.

I can well remember the thrill of reading it on publication and knowing that this was a major new author. Still gives me chills. OK, Petersen –Don’t screw it up!

No, we’re lucky the movie wasn’t made five or six years ago. OSC wanted…Jake Lloyd. :confused:

well, let’s stop THAT train of thought right now.
so, who in the world would they get to play bean? unless they warp the story and cut that part, there’s going to be some major strain on the world’s repetoire of very young actors.

pfffft. Yeah right.


Oh man… that would be fantastic!

Really. Quoting OSC:
“I’ve been amused at the number of people who, incapable of distinguishing between performance and script, have written to me saying, ‘Don’t use Jake Lloyd in Ender’s Game!’”

On that page he also calls Jake an “extraordinary talent”.

Card is also a playwrite and has helped on movies before. I think he’ll do fine writing this.

I have seen The Neverending Story. A rare kids movie that isn’t stupid to adults. The Perfect Storm had great action and visuals.

Osmont would stink as Ender. He’s too “cute”. He would be a good Peter though. I wasn’t impressed with Jake Lloyd’s acting in Phantom Menace, but it could have been script. All the children would have to be new actors, or at least new to film.

The kid that plays Dewey on Malcolm in the Middle is nine or ten and he is small. I know his name and I can’t think of it. Either him or someone else small to play Bean. They don’t need to be young, just small. And where would they find an Armenian girl to play Petra?