Woman gang raped by homeless immigrants

Rotten mother fuckers.


I meant to link the outcome from today, as well.

(That previous article is from Oct 2002.)

I read about that this morning.


It’s a horrible story, but jeez, do you think it would be any less horrible if she’d been gang raped by wealthy Americans?

Ruadh, it wouldn’t have been better if she had been raped by wealthy, housed Americans, but we do have the most liberal immigration policy of the developed world, and as a result we get a proportionately larger number of bad apples. The mainstream political spectrum is virtually unanimous in its support of liberal immigration, the right because it supplies abundant cheap labor, and the left because liberal immigration is in accord with the tenets of civil rights and similar values, because nearly all the immigrants are nonwhite. When we hear of crimes of this sort, or violent gangs that are composed almost entirely of immigrants, we tend to ask ourselves, what the heck are we doing here? Must we accept everybody who wants to immigrate, to keep lettuce under $1/head?

So “bad apples” are almost always associated with immigrants and our liberal naturalization policy?

I’m still not sure how the fact that they were immigrants ties in to this rant.


OMG, an IMMIGRANT did something illegal? That’s it, send them back, send them all back! Anyone who ever immigrated here needs to go, and all their descendants, too! Clean out this country!!!

In cases like this one has to remember the case of the “Night stalker”:

Even if his background was also from an immigrant family, he was born in the USA, but the reason why I am bringing him here is this: all immigrants are not like that:

Guess what group of angry people almost did Ramirez in? We Hispanics also hate crime, specially the ones that allow people, like the OP, to add inflammatory statements to a report.


Do you always hear only the thing you want to?

He didn’t say that all crime, or even most crime, was caused by immigrants. He didn’t say most immigrants were criminal.** He said **that, because of our current immigration policies, we get more “bad apples” than we might if we changed things. If we continue to admit the same number of people, but screen them better, we could get a group of people with more desirable properties.

I never said that. But when large numbers of poor, low-skilled people immigrate, it’s bound to cause some social problems. This isn’t because the immigrants aren’t good people, but because their precarious position at the bottom of the economy can, in some cases, lead to poverty, and homelessness. As it would with many native born Americans, perhaps poverty and homelessness drove the guys mentioned in the OP to do what they did. I didn’t say that they did it because they were immigrants, or even poor immigrants; I only meant to point out the difficulties that can arise when we need to absorb huge numbers of immigrants.

Yeah, and because we allow just anyone who wants to to have kids, we get more “bad apples” than we might if we changed things.


I was under the impression that it was rather hard to legally migrate to the US. :confused:

I’ve been crossing that bridge every week for several years.


The fact that were immigrants is very much beside the point. The fact that they are animals who need to be in a cage for the *rest of their lives * is a little more important.

As horrible as this crime is, it’s an isolated instance so far as I know. So let’s just put the scumbags in jail for a decade or two. If a pattern of rapes by gangs of homeless immigrants develops, let’s develop ways of dealing with it – I don’t think anybody here has a brief for tolerating rape by immigrants any more than we tolerate rape by natural-born citizens.

I’d like to see a cite that says that immigrants are more likely than native-born citizens to be involved in this type of crime. Otherwise, the “bad apples” theory is completely whack.

BTW, the victim was an immigrant too.

The fact that they were illegals is not the main point, but is certainly an important one. If we had proper border controls, this is a crime that would not have occurred. These shitheads should not have been in this country in the first place.

Do you know for a fact that they’re illegals, or are you just assuming? It doesn’t say so in either of the articles linked to.

It may just have happend in an other country.
But it’s only foreigners living in other countries - they’re potential immigranty anyway.

Maybe you should try to be more concerned with humans than with only the small part of humanity that lives in the USA.

Spectre of Pithecanthropus, I am female and an immigrant to the United States. My father is also an immigrant to the United States and, while you may dismiss immigrants as providing “cheap labor”, that was not what my father did; he was a research engineer, as was the father of my best friend. By tarring all immigrants with the same brush, or even most immigrants, as you did in both your posts, you do us a disservice.

What’s your ancestry? Are you native American? How about of pure English decent? From what I know of the history of immigrants to this country, unless you can claim to be one of those two, chances are immigrants from your country were also looked down on, despised, and considered the cause of increased crime and decreased safety at some point in this country’s history. That includes Ireland, Germany, Italy, Eastern Europe, and Russia, although, come to think of it, I think France and Switzerland may also have escaped.

For the record, my father and I emigrated from England; my best friend’s father from Switzerland. Most of the immigrants I know are white. The ones who aren’t include a renowned physician from Taiwan, and another engineer, this one from India. Please, put down the broad brush you are painting me, my family, and my friends with and reconsider your words.

As for the creatures who committed their crime, as far as I’m concerned, it has nothing to do with which patch of dirt was unfortunate enough to lie beneath their mothers when they gave birth to these unfortunate collections of chemicals and much more to do with their resigning from humanity and choosing to act like something a great many animals would be ashamed of.

Come to think of it, I seem to recall a case from a few years ago where a retarded girl in the New York area was gang-raped by a mob of teenage boys. There was also something on the news yesterday morning about a hazing incident at a football camp involving teenagers from Long Island. Yes, Here’s the link, ironically from the same newspaper which the OP cited. The victims were tortured and sodomized. Now, I would not presume to tar high school football players, or even Long Islanders, with the same brush as these wastes of DNA. Why then, did you feel the need to tar immigrants with the same brush, and no, saying “most” instead of “all” doesn’t make it better. As far as I’m concerned, the two are not connected.