Women, do you shave your face?

Apparently, Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe did. The fancy name for it is dermaplaning.

A couple of articles (the second one is NYTimes and may count against your monthly total) introduced me to this. I never heard of it. My skin is looking dull and I wonder if this would help. The tool of choice seems to be this tiny razor, although one article says some women use a regular man’s razor. Any women here do it?

Yes. I don’t care for the peach fuzz on my face. I think makeup looks better without it (not that I always wear makeup, but you know).

I’m lukewarm on those little razors; I find that a regular two-blade cheap safety razor works fine.

I think a lot of women do, to some extent, secretly. I pluck out long chin hairs that sprout with tweezers (very painful!). I have a light moustache I am afraid to start shaving and just let it be, but I swipe the corners of my mouth with a disposable razor where the hairs grow long. Every day, swipe, swipe, done. Part of my makeup routine. Its no big deal. No one looks very close except me.

My wife uses one of the Tinkle razor thingies. She gets a few “moustache” hairs and used to get a couple on her chin, but she had the latter lasered. I’ve never actually seen the hairs but she says she has to shave the upper lip every two or three weeks.

I’ve always been a plucker (eyebrows, chin) and a bleacher. I watched a tutorial on shaving once and was like “ack, no!” because, on my legs at least, when I shave I get immediate stubble. I also get razor burn like nobody’s business if I shave “elsewhere.”

But I was getting frustrated with the peach fuzz that I couldn’t seem to pluck, so I went to Sally and bought a set of those razors and I did my chin.

I figured out that the thick hairs I pluck still need to be plucked because they literally are too strong for the razor. But it did do a very nice job on the surrounding peach fuzz. And I didn’t get razor burn!

So now I still pluck my chin (I am of Eastern European descent and I have PCOS so seriously, everyone shut up!) and then razor it and put some lotion on right after and it’s pretty great. Eyebrows and upper lip are still plucked and bleached.

I don’t wear makeup but I’m sure it would lay nicer on your skin without all the hair, if you have a lot of hair.

Yep, because over the years those one or two stray hairs have become a proto-goatee (thanks, menopause) and I don’t think it’s a good look for me. I don’t for those overpriced special pink sparkly razors marketed at women, though. I use a cheap disposable a couple of times then toss it. Cheap, effective, keeps me looking good.

Yep. I hate the peach fuzz look. I did ask my doctor first if it would make the hair come in darker and he said no. I use a women’s electric razor and only have to do it once a month or so.

No. I have my upper lip waxed when I have my eyebrows waxed, and there is one dark hair on my neck that I pluck every few weeks. I don’t wear foundation, so makeup isn’t an issue.

Girl, you gotta try the Fusion Proglide. It’ll change your life.

I shave my chin and neck every DAY because I have epic hair growth there. I should get laser removal, but eh. Wax eyebrows. Pluck long hairs if they appear elsewhere. Don’t mind the fuzz itself, though.

I don’t, at least not right now. Maybe if I start wearing makeup more often? But at the moment, I just have a fuzzy face.

I swear we had this exact thread not too long ago. I thought somebody had bumped it.

Anyway, I’m just not a hairy person, so no. The good news is I only need to shave my legs every 4 days or so. Wearing shorts right now, and I haven’t shaved since Sunday. I might have some stubble tomorrow. The bad news is my eyebrows are sad as fuck. :frowning:

You know, I really don’t grok the whole eyebrow grooming thing. Mine grow wild and so far no one has fled screaming in horror. Then again, they’re also behind my glasses. Leaving them all natural allows them to be seen despite the rims, and eyebrows are part of many facial expressions so there. Or whatever.

When I’m working I de-fuzz about every 2-3 days, when not working once a week does me fine. Judging by the responses here, that makes me a tad hairier than average but that’s not news. Eastern European ancestry will do that to you.

I pay for a full-face wax (cheeks, chin, upper lip, eyebrow grooming) once a month. I don’t like the peach fuzz, but I tend to stubble hard, and I don’t like the 5 o’clock shadow look on me.

I do at-home waxing on my upper lip one time in between full-face sessions.

I didn’t get it either, but one day I went and got them done on a whim. Oh my god, they looked so nice! They were so perfectly nice and neat and made my face look younger and healthier. So I continue doing it, if only because I like it myself. But I get them threaded, no wax. (I also wear glasses).

I don’t shave my whole face. I had laser hair removal on my lip but I have a mole right in the middle of it. For that she said she had to do electrolysis. Electrolysis hurt worse than my tattoo*. I couldn’t handle it. So I usually pluck or shave the hair directly around the mole. It’s always a couple of stupidly thick black hairs, too, and I am very light-skinned for an Indian girl.

I have hair on my sideburns and sometimes I look at them and wonder if I should do anything, but it’s fairly light and fine, so I don’t bother. Besides, if I do it once, then I have to maintain it. Hair does lessen. My leg hair is way lighter and sparser than it was as a teen. Even my arm hair is lesser. It’s weird. I too only shave my legs every four days or so.

*I know now that if I am ever tortured with electricity I will tell them anything.

Nope. Like most redheads my brows, lashes etc are blonde. You can barely notice them, let alone other hairs on my face. I do pluck out some hairs under my chin, though, because they’re coarser and I don’t like how they feel.

“Because I like the look” is a perfectly valid reason in my book.

Since I regularly am mistaken for someone 10-15 years younger than I am I’m not too concerned with the “looking younger” thing. Not having grey hair yet helps a lot.

Menopause did that for me - less limb hair, more on the chin. I swear, it’s like a second puberty - my body keeps doing weird stuff it never did before and half the time I’m on an emotional roller coaster.

Sadly, yes. I produce too much testosterone and have been “blessed” with some facial hair since puberty. Thankfully most of my facial/body hair is blonde, except for a couple of chin patches. I’m not comfortable letting them grow long enough to wax and there are too many for plucking to not be torture, so I shave. The peach fuzzy stuff doesn’t bother me at all, it’s just the coarser hair on my chin and neck that’s unpleasant to touch.

I’m super self-conscious about it, even though I know most people wouldn’t notice or really even care if they did.

I used to shave. This epilator has changed my life! Not kidding, I don’t even have to use it each day. My eyebrows only grow half way across - but lengthy. I have to trim them and pencil in some colour to finish them off. It makes a dramatic difference to my face. If I don’t I get comments about looking sick and/ir tired.

No. Any hair on my face other than my eyebrows and lashes is super fine and barely noticeable. I’m kinda surprised at how many yesses there are in this thread.

Ditto - not having to shave your face is one of the few advantages to womanhood! Then again, I got lucky in the hair department; even after a week of not shaving my legs, you can’t tell. You can feel stubble and my hair is dark brown, but for some reason it doesn’t show up. I’m still paranoid about it and shave more than I need to, though.