Word 2000 and Terminal font

In Notepad, I can select the Terminal font. But in Word or WordPad. I have the Terminal font files: 8514OEM.FON, DOSAPP.FON, and VGAOEM.FON.
Although, I can only view the files if I use the file search program. If I go directly to c:\Windows\Fonts they won’t be listed in the directory. Plus, like I said, I can’t get Word to let me select Terminal.
Any ideas? Thanks.

According to this article, screen fonts aren’t available in Word 2000.

That’s not what I wanted to hear, Damn it! :frowning: Just kidding, Oh well, thanks for letting me know. Sheeze, being as big and bloated as it is, you’d think that Word 2000 would allow screen fonts. :rolleyes: Oh well.