Words I just don't work into enough conversations


as was pointed out in a thread earlier, shan’t is not used nearly often enough.

I say hijinks frequently. What I don’t use enough: confuddled, postulate, sashay.

“When I was at the helm of the Flying Cloud as she sailed the Caribbean…”

On our windjammer cruise, the captain generously permitted some wannabes to stand at the wheel for a few minutes. I got about a minute or so as Wannabe #3.

It all ended when the Captain decided a yacht with no visible person topside was encroaching on our beam. “May I?” he said, politely, indicating the wheel, but I’m sure he had no intention of compromising with me.

And so my command came to an end. For about 2 weeks after the cruise, my standard joke was to try any conversational gambit that allowed me to include “When I was at the helm of the Flying Cloud as she sailed the Caribbean…”

Discussions of the weather, traffic, work, etc. were all fodder for "“When I was at the helm of the Flying Cloud as she sailed the Caribbean, this sort of thing didn’t happen, I can tell you that!” and the like.

But it’s been years since I used it. I’ll have to bring it back up sometime to amuse my wife. :slight_smile:


Your title says words (plural) and you only included one word.
overwrought reference to opalcat omitted for everyone’s sake.

WIJDWICE: Overwrought, Clandestine, Cachinnatory.

But it’s a plural … :stuck_out_tongue:


(very difficult to work into ordinary conversation)

Depends on how often your wombat is involved in hijinks, I think.



Look up Ambrose Bierce’s definition of it, in his Devil’s Dictionary.

I think the really problem is not not saying it. It’s just not sashaying enough.

My elephant wants a wombat. To engage in hijinks with. Does that help?

sashayes into the kitchen


Defenestrate. (Alas, I had a chance to say this in conversation back in February, and I missed it.)

Sadly, my wombat’s hijinks, in propinquity to the window, lead to his defenestration.



(Ahem - yes, I admit I watched the “Austin Powers” trilogy.)

Ah, but is he a recalcitrant wombat? (I was just given the opportunity to call my sidekick “recalcitrant,” and I grabbed it with gusto.)


The odd part is, the concept isn’t that far out there, but for some reason I don’t use the word enough, and it’s one of my favorites.


Just about any of the pre-WWII British slang which I am currently absorbing from the Jeeves & Wooster series of books I’m reading.

“I thought I’d ankle on down to the club . . .”


I’m waiting for the perfect question I can phrase to being with “whence”.

Shenanigans, inconceivable, ergo, and Zimbabwe.