Words only you and your circle of friends use

Or even words that just YOU use.

A few years ago, I decided to evict the word “anyway” from my life as boring. In its place I coined “anywhistle,” which had the virtue of being close enough in form so that anyone who heard it would instantly understand it, plus being, IMHO anywhistle, fun to say. Soon, for the sake of variety, I added “anywhistlation” and “anythistle” to my vocabulary. At first my friends and family thought I was being even weirder and normal and complained; but in time the began to find it amusing, and a few even started using it themselves.

Anybody have a similar tale to share?

Along similar lines, a good friend of mine here at work started saying “anyhizzle” for the same reason, and now she and I say it fairly naturally. We’ve also taken to using “tee-hizzle” instead of “tee-hee.”

What’s important is that WE think we’re funny. :slight_smile:

In one of my groups of friends, if one person says “c’est la vie,” everybody else chimes in with “la vie.”

Newcomers to the group have been known to be confused.

When my mates and me at at the shooting range and we see somebody with a handgun with a really long barrel and telescopic sights we say “check out the hifle”.
Combination of rifle and handgun…gerrit?

And upon reveiw we are nowhere close to being as funny as we think we are.

Mrs. Prefect and I are on a “imification” run now. As in, I want some food-imification. Give me some love-imification!

We find it very amusing. :slight_smile:

We’ll leave as soon. I gotta get “reena-jeena’d”.

It’s a good word, because it can mean you’re gonna get -your shit together -high -some combination of the two. A couple of my friends say it all the time, I use it inoften.

I say “bunched up” to describe being tense, testy, or generally acting foully. As in, “Honey, I’m trying to relax, and you come in all friggin’ bunched up and you’re harshing my mellow. Chill out.”

In my family, a glowering, black thunderhead is an “omnibosity.” The origin of is a malapropism (“Those clouds look omnibus!”) for “ominous.”

Between Mr. SCL and myself - “fissy”. A combination of fussy and pissed-off.


I’ve had the same group of friends since middle school, and we all discovered “OMG boys!!” at the same time. My good friend B was particularly boy-crazy, and would chase them all the time (literally, if they ran).

Anyw-- anywhistle, we were over at her house having some type of pubescent get-together, and there was a guy present who B was sweatin’, hard. Her actions caused my other friend, K to call out, “B, you have no couth!!” The poor boy (who, in addition to being stalked like a gimpy deer was also not at all blessed by the Brain Fairy) had to have the word “couth” explained to him.

The party progressed with most of us watching a horror movie while B and her victim wrestled behind the living room couch. Suddenly, during a particularly suspenseful movie moment, the poor boy jumped up from behind the couch and bellowed in a wounded tone, “B, YOU GOT NO COOTS!!”

So now when any of us does something that someone else thinks is less than classy, we merely say “coots” as a gentle reminder.

My brother and I use “anyhoodlydoodle.”

My husband and I use a lot of made-up words. Some of 'em we use so often that I sometimes forget that they aren’t real words. For example, when I ask hubby whether he’s had enough to eat, I say “Are you sufficiently suffoncified?” (pronounded suff-ON-sih-fyde). Last Thanksgiving I used “suffoncified” at a family dinner, and everyone but my husband looked at me as if I were a lunatic.

I know reposting is in remarkably bad taste, but that’s me.

Many years ago, there was a local TV commercial featuring a guy who’s wife had been on the lottery game show and won a bundle. The man said, “When I knew she’d won, I almost had a heenie.”

What the hell is a heenie???

Anywhistle, my sisters and I decided that “heenie” meant being overcome with weepy emotion. I now have a “heenie box” in which I keep all those letters and other pieces of memorabilia that are sure to bring tears when I look at them. When one of us tells the other, “That scene in the movie almost made me have a heenie,” we know exactly what that means.

Many years ago, there was a local TV commercial featuring a guy who’s wife had been on the lottery game show

:smack: whose wife


My group of friends and I tend to adopt words from movies/tv shows/other people that we find amusing. The best one I can think of though is that my roommate has taken to using the word “sexored” to refer to her amorous love making with her gentleman friend.

Mu husband and I say “bee” to each other all the time. I’m not sure when or why I even started saying it; all I know is it started very early in our marriage. I would stick my head into a room is he was in and say, in a cheerful voice: “Beeee!” Or I would give him a snuggle if I needed comforting and say in a wistful tone: “Bee.” Somewhere along the line, he picked up on it, and added more “bees”. He would come home from work and say “Beebeebee?” and I’d come running. Now, both of us, when happy, instead of humming, you’re likely to catch us uttering random, tuneless “beebeebees”. I told him, about a year ago, that when I say “bee”, it just means “I love you and I’m happy to be here spending time with you.” but, you know, shortened into one convenient syllable. Now we greet each other (and sometimes the cats, but I have a habit of calling them “boo”) with cheerful “Hello, Bee!” It’s spreading into our family and friends. It probably doesn’t translate well on a message board, but I tell you, when you see someone you love look at you and their eyes crinkle up in happiness, and they just say, softly, “beeeee!”, damn. It just feels good. Especially when some of the gruffest old fellas see you coming, get a little smile on their face that they try to hide, look at you sideways and say in a deep, manly voice: “Bee.” You can just see their mind clicking along, thinking, “There, I said it. I meant it, too.”

Other than that, let’s see… mosquitos are called “skeeties”, coffee is called “copy” (both of these picked up from various children in our lives), “dude” is a compliment (he is such a dude!), cats are “kiddens”, the garbage disposal is “the pig”, and most news is initially greeted by a loud “Well HOODY-HOO-HA, then!” (from an episode of Fishbar).

Oh, yeah, Fishbar. That opens up a few more: Assassin is pronounced ASS-a-sins, voila is vee-ola, and we often threaten to beat each other up with bread. All ham is Royal Ham. We don’t just “eat” things, we “eat the hell” out of them. Swedes are suspicious.

Also… ALL cereal is now called “Pirates of the Caribbean”, due to a close friend who kept insisting to us that the best and cheapest cereal was “Pirates of the Caribbean” and we should get down to Fred Meyer and buy it up before it goes away, and then related to us how all of his meals *not * cooked by his girlfriend was “Pirates of the Caribbean”. He brings it to work. He’s an insurance broker. :smiley:

All Suzukis are called “Jeeps”, because of Lady Jesus from back home. She drove a Suzuki Vitara, and it had a top that came off, and she called it a “Jeep”, and insisted that any SUV that you could take the top off of is properly called a “Jeep”. She believed (truly) that this allowed into an exclusive club of Jeep owners. So now, every time my friends and family see a Suzuki of any kind, we say to each other, “Hey, check out the Jeep!”

Shit, Lady Jesus opens up even more… “never lick a gift horse in the mouth”, etc. But then this list would never end.


“Bloviate” is a favorite in our family. Except we changed the definition. We’re well aware that it really means “to speak or write verbosely and windily,” but we all think it sounds like it should mean “to sit around and do nothing, except maybe get fatter.” We basically use it the way other people use the term “veg out,” except it makes us sound more interesting and erudite to outsiders.

Our family one is a phrase: “we had spaghetti for dinner last night”. It’s used as a response whenever anyone makes a completely irrelevant, non-sequitur type comment in a conversation.

Not so much distinct words as distinct meanings:

‘Cheddar’. Said when people are going on and on about something you either cannot relate to, or have no interrest in hearing about. (Stems from an impromptu conversation about cheese when someone else was babbling about another topic.)

‘Endearing’. Means psychoticly violent. Long story. Anyone called ‘endearing’ is being labelled as the type that might knife you in your sleep.

‘Memorable’. Just means bad news. Anything that’s labelled as being, or possibly being, ‘memorable’, is never meant in a good way. “Well, that root canal will probably be memorable.”

Throwed off; meaning aggitated, mad, acting belligerent, ect…

Funny exchange that took place between me and my friend we’ll call Kathy:
Kathy: "…what the hell is it with you guys and this throwed off bit? There is no such word as throwed. :rolleyes: "

Me: “Sure there is. Look, I’ll use throwed in a sentence: I throwed Kathy the ball.”
Kathy: “That’s threw Kathy the ball.” :rolleyes:

Me: “OK, How about this: Kathy kept correcting my grammer and I got throwed off about it!!”

Pluggie - n. A tampon (pl. pluggies)

Durdur - n. A cardboard toilet paper or paper towel roller from which all the toilet paper or paper towels have been removed. (Named by young siblings who used to march about the house with them pressed to their mouths like trumpets, chanting “Dur durdur dur dur!”)

Squinky - adj. A feeling of discomfort, unpleasantness, and the general creepiness one feels when confronted by a notion or statement that makes one’s face scrunch up and sphincters tighten, and elicit a sound of “Ewww!” (e.g. “He started to tell me his girlfriend was a coprophiliac, and I got all squinky.”)