Something someone should have told this Thai wanna-be stuntman who had stinging ants dropped down his underwear, with predictable results.
Probably not something you want to play at work (even though the naughty bits are - appropriately enough - censored with what appears to be a white hot ball of fire):
Once upon a time, I was standing in my Texas garden admiring the blooms, when I sensed something was wrong.
Looking down, I saw columns of fire ants ascending my pant legs, drawing a bead on my vulnerable midsection. I had inadvertently stood atop a fire ant mound.
I’m told the subsequent mad shakeoff dance was quite entertaining.
I made the unwitting mistake of standing on a fire ant mound a couple times in my youth. The little buggers wait to bite until they are all assembled. Fortunately for me it was only my feet that were bitten but I can feel this guy’s pain even though I do not possess the same appendage and would never be stupid enough to intentionally set the little formic bastards loose near my nethers.
People who’ve been bit by fire ants might consider using a missile to get rid of the little bastards.
I have a couple of scars on my foot from being bitten ten years ago. (Not my only bites, just the most recent and dramatic.) This past winter, when we got our full annual snowfall of 100+" in less than six weeks, I thought, “Still, no fire ants or giant flying cockroaches!” as I shoveled out my car for the umpteenth time.
So Colibri, I know your more of a bird guy, but you probably know more about this stuff than I do. In your opinion, what kind of ant is best for genital application?
Are you kidding? That guy deserves a Macarthur genius grant. Makes gorgeous sculptures and kills fire ants. I like to look at his work and imagine that I can hear the tiny screams.
Not to be a Yankee Pedant or nuthin’*, but the fire ant bite is negligible. It’s the sting they employ after biting to get ahold of you that really smarts.
*after nearly 15 years back above the Mason-Dixon line, I still get a mild fight-or-flight reaction whenever I see an ant crawling on me.