Words With Different Connotations That Describe The Same Personality Traits-Examples?

I’ve noticed that the English language conveniently offers its users tremendous leeway in describing personality traits of individuals, with some descriptors offering decidedly positive connotations while others produce decidedly negative connotations. Some examples:

Ambitious/Greedy: A person who is very eager to attain money, power, success, and recognition could be described as ‘ambitious’ by allies. However, opponents might label the same person as simply being ‘greedy’.

Faithful/Credulous: A person who holds a strong belief of something despite not having evidence for that belief could be described as ‘faithful’ by someone attempting to produce positive spin, but ‘gullible’ and ‘credulous’ could just as easily be used by someone trying to use a negative spin.

Confident/Arrogant: If a person is very self-assured, proud, and generally unhesitant about expressing his or her opinion of matters, they are usually billed ‘confident’ by admirers, but they would more likely be characterized as ‘arrogant’ or ‘overbearing’ by detractors.

Can you think of any other examples of strikingly different descriptors that could be used to describe the same person?


I am resolute; you are stubborn; he is pig- or bull-headed.

BTW, I would not match faithful and credulous in the way you have. I would matching believing and credulous, but faithful carries more the notion of “holding faith” with someone and making their faith in you to be worthwhile.

hands on/interfering

I have a vague recollection of something like this in Mad Magazine, maybe in a Dave Berg piece?

There are quite a few examples here.

I am fastidious; you are picky; she is finicky.
I am neutral or even-handed; you are indifferent; he is apathetic.
I am bold; you are rash; he is foolhardy.

My mother once actually said “I am zaftig, you are sturdily built, she’s fat.” There was no humorous intent, but I snickered a little bit anyway.
