Wordsmiths -- help me with a title?

I need to title an as-yet nonexistent painting.

I need a word that sort-of sounds like “constant”, and either means the same thing, or exactly the opposite. Or something.

The painting (if I can do it well) will be a toddler at the beach, in a cute sundress and bonnet, barely able to lift a plastic watering can. And by implication, watering everthing in sight – beach chairs, towels, lunch, the dog, etc.

Bad titles I have thought of:

The Inconstant Gardener
The Instant Gardener
The Nascent Gardener

Can you come up with something better?

The Incontient Gardener? :smiley:

Dammit, I meant INCONTINENT.

The unintentional gardener

Those who can, water… (see what I did there?!)

Constance the Gardener






incontinent, if you paint her in a diaper


Constance the Gardener Waters Her Donut Seeds (show a box of Cheerios)

See if something here strikes your fancy:

“The Hydrant Gardener.” Ha ha ha!




Or browse this list for similar-sounding words.

The Fleeting Gardener

The Occasional Gardener

I like “The Errant Gardner”

The Accidental Gardener

The Once and Future Gardener

The Surprise Gardener

Assistant Gardener (she’s “helping” to water everything)

(sorry for two posts in a row)

I like that, as well as Instant.

Or just “The Gardener.”

I did think Incontinent, but… no.

Rhiannon8404, good ones, but they don’t really work with the word play referencing that particular Ralph Fiennes film.

Of course, I could go with something completely different. “Kaitlin” strikes me as particularly generic.

The Can’s tot gardener? The can-tote gardener? the Grow, stat! gardener?

I got nuthin.

Corn-stunt gardener? Can’s-too-hot gardener?


Well, if you ditch the “gardener” theme, you could try something like “Trying to Take the Ocean Home” or “Making Waves”.

Contented Gardner?