Working on a paper to get N. Korea in the Model UN from that standpoint, major issues

(this was redirected from cafe, I was boarderlline so I put it there to keep it away from GD, but here it is)

As stated in the topic, I’m working on a paper to discuss N. Korea and it’s relationship with other nations in the world through the U.N. and outside of it.
In the major issues that have to do with the nation of N. Korea I need to see things from their p.o.v.
(this isn’t a great debate, so I’m not saying whether they’re right or not, or any real critics, except for those of my spelling :smiley: )

Of course the major issue I’m covering is the nuclear issue, although other ones are welcome.

What are some major reasons that they’re giving for their actions?

Um, for what actions? For promising not to develop nukes if we paid them, and then taking the money and developing nukes anyway?

AFAIK they haven’t given any reasons at all.

You could find out more information by searching for “korea nuclear” and reading the articles. Here’s one.

And, you do know that we don’t normally do people’s homework for them, don’t you? :wink:

I use the SDMB for brainstorming topics, NOT for having others do my homework.

Thanks for your link, it backs up some more info I have been using.