World Leaders Gone Wild!

It’s Wild! It’s Uncensored! It’s World Leaders Gone Wild!

SEE President Bush Masage necks! See how President Putin kisses kids’ stomaches when he thinks the World Press isn’t around! Jacques Chirac kisses the First Ladies’ hand! And wait 'til you see what Tony Blair does!

It’s Uncontrolled. We can only show you these covered-up scenes on TV, but order the tape or DVD and see the uncut, uncensored images of high-level government misbehavior. (Close up of Bush saying “…and they do that sh(BLEEP)…”)

Order today and you’ll also get World Leaders Gone Wild Archival Edition, with Nelson Rockefeller flipping the Bird, Governor George Bush hugging legislators, and more!
It’s Wild! It’s Untamed! It’s World Leaders Gone Wild!
So you don’t forget, send check or money order before midnight tonight. Not avauilable in North Korea.

Does it have the clip of Ron Reagan saying he was outlawing Russia forever, and that the bombing would commence immediately? If so, I’ll buy.

Heck. I’d buy it just for the scene of George Bush Sr. upchucking on the Japanese Prime Minister.

And yet, here we are, all still alive 20+ years later!

Astonishing there are still people who care about that, when it was obviously just a joke even at the time.

Does it have the footage of Tony Blair’s man leaning on the croquet mallet? Cause that shit is hot.

…and they do that sheep?

What, does Bush know Hal Briston? Is Bush a Doper?

No, he was saying that the UN should get Syria to make Hezbollah stop all that sheep. Apparently, they’re as horny as the Scots.