World's Highest Restaurant Opens in Dubai

Story here. In the world’s tallest building of course, the Burj Khalifa. “422 metres (1,350 feet) up in the sky on the 122nd floor.” Oddly, the restaurant itself is not named, but I suspect you’ll have no trouble finding the place.

If you just want to go up to the observation deck two floors above, it’s US$27. “At least” 27 bucks, whatever that means.

I thought the world’s highest restaurant was in Amsterdam…

Or San Francisco! Damn hippies, grumble, grumble.

This place has it beat by 10,000, more or less…

That’s cheating.

Yeah, 422 meters (or so) above sea level ain’t high at all. The Mexican place down the street from me is more than twice as high.

Nah…it’s just taking advantage of the natural terrain :slight_smile:

And anyway, those guys are just posers anyway. There are at least six listed on this page that have it beat…

To get back to (or at least in the vicinity of) the OP’s topic…have they actually started using that building for anything more than a platform to launch fireworks off of? OK, apparently they’ve got a restaurant and a hotel, but is anybody actually patronizing them?

The tower’s own website is oddly quiet about that. The link at the top to Homes & Offices doesn’t list much at all.