Worst. Brother. Ever.


Look at (who I’m presuming to be) his little sister’s face! How much does she hate her brother? He f’ed up their trip to Honolulu and now they all have to spend the day in a courtroom in Eastie!

She’s going to do everything in her power to make the rest of his life unbearable. That’s what I’d do. She’ll just waltz into the family room and change the channel when he’s watching something, reset his video games while he’s playing, tell the girls at school he likes the Backstreet Boys, anything she can!

You go, little sister!

What would you do to him?

Forget little sister - look at Mom! That boy’s grounded 'til he’s thirty. (And the photographer’s in some serious trouble as well.)

What a dick. You know, I’m all for having fun shaking up the status quo but there are just some things you don’t do.

Poor mom. She probably has her bikini and suntan lotion all ready to go in that bag of hers.

Between the lady giving birth on the train and this, life in this town is getting just a little closer to a John Waters movie. I love it!

Dad looks like he’s about ready to jump over the rail and save the people of Massachucetts quite a bit in tax dollars…

ACK!! That’s MASSACHUS ETTS!!:smack:

I thought MY mom had the copyright on that look! (At least I never made bomb threats in airports!)

Talk about a destiny which shapes our ends.

This kid is going to live with this stigma forever. And it will never become a light-hearted remembrance of stupid teenage hijinks, either.

“Heh heh…hey remember the time I made a bomb threat at Logan, and it totally screwed up our trip to Hawaii…and…how I was arraigned…and … we never got to … Hawaii… Hey, they released me on my own recognizance!”

Roger Clinton!

Oh… never mind, I thought this thread was about something else.

Isn’t there a similar case in California a couple of months ago? It seems a young woman wanted to make the cruise ship she was on turn back so she could be with her boyfriend. She was arrested when police matched her up with the bomb threat note she wrote. I wonder if there are any updates with that story.

Ayuh. I remember it. Never heard about the end result, though. I’m kinda hoping a night in jail scared her sufficiently to refrain from doing something that stupid for a few years. I won’t say “ever again.” 15-19 is the perfect age for doing stupid things.

That little bastard better pray he ends up in jail; he’d be safer.

I think the dad looks depressed. More of a ‘Where did I go wrong Lord and made my son into this big of an idiot?’

I wonder where they will go for vacation next year?

My god.

His sister looks pissed!!! :eek:

There’s nothing in the article that says the sister (or some humor impaired friend) didn’t put the note in the bag.

Live and learn. It’s not the end of the world - for the kid or anyone else.

I grew up in an airline family so I knew how to act in an airport at a very early age but most of my friends didn’t know how serious bomb threats/jokes etc were taken.

The thing is, the kid DIDN’T make a bomb threat. I don’t recall the text exactly, but from last night’s news, the note said something along these lines.

“Stay the <bleep> out of my bag. Did you find the <bleeping> bomb yet? No, because there isn’t one. Just clothes. Now get the <bleep> out of my things.”

That’s not a threat. It’s not polite, not smart, and not advised, by any means. What it is is a teenagers inappropriate attempt to assert his (nonexistent in this case) right to privacy.

Doesn’t quite sound like a bomb threat to me either. They just saw the word bomb and went off. Kinda reminds me of the woman who made a sarcastic joke about the pilot being drunk and was kicked off the flight. Only he was more stupid about it.

It’s the old “You can’t say bomb on an airplane” thing, I think.

Now, I am not, by any means condoning what this kid did. But I wonder…They detained him on the strength of a note. Was it written in bold red letters, or some style meant to be really eye-catching? Because if it wasn’t, and the inspectors are just in the habit of reading everything they find in a suitcase, I don’t exactly dig the idea of that.

I knew a guy once who told me an anecdote about crossing from Canada to the US (he himself, not a FOAF) and having his car thoroughly searched by customs. He had a bag of some funny green stuff in there, but they stopped looking before they found it. He told me that, among other things, they skimmed his journal, and also found some church literature in the glove box. His theory was that, based on that and the contents of the journal, the border guards concluded that he wasn’t a funny-green-stuff-having kind of person. Good for him, sure, but not great for the big picture.