Worst corporate/product mascots

I’m suprised nobody nominated “Enzyte Bob” yet.

As much as I get creeped out by the new Burger King I just can’t bring myself to hate him since getting Hootie (Darius, whatever) to sing about that chicken ranch. I want to try whatever they were smoking (I still haven’t tried the sandwich) when they came up with that commercial.

Right you are, Leaper. You know, my cat, Mr. Sphincter, goes crazy whenever he sees Hank on the TV. I’m not sure why. I think I’ll have to ask Guy one of these days- he knows something about cats. He always telss me after the show he’s hoping to find some pussy.

Don’t get eliminated,
A guy who got the reference

I nominate Bob, the smiling mascot for what was perhaps the *worst *GUI ever developed for a computer.

Another vote for Burger King’s newest mascot. He’s beyond creepy. If I woke up one morning and found him in bed with me, I’d probably grab the heaviest object I could lay my hands on, and beat him until he stopped breathing. Ditto for if I found him staring in my window like a deranged stalker. Either of those incidents would cause me to run down to the Secretary of State’s office and apply for a Concealed Carry Permit.

Sorry BK, but getting Hootie to hawk your food does not make up for the horrors of The King.

Err, I loved him…

I think I liked him for two commercials or something like that, but from then on I found him extremely annoying and just wanted him gone…

The Commercials are now self referencial and call him “Smiling Bob”. as in “Smiling Bob’s guide…”

The jokes are juvenile at best, and get repeated. The “North pole” at Christmas, the sputtering water hose, the Golf club/putter.
Then again, the entire subject can’t escape what it helps do. I guess its here to stay.

Exactly. You have to be fair and at least give Enzyte Bob credit in that he does, at least, give you an idea what is product is and what it does.

Unless you’d prefer to see more of Mike Ditka hawking boner pills. Personally, that’s something I can live without.


Or Bob Dole. shudder

The caterpillar from http://www.moneytreeinc.com/

and Empire carpets 800-588-23 hundred…EMPIRE~!

Especially unfortunate, as his sunglasses seem to form two o’s between the first and last letters of his name.

Holy crap. Now something’s that been bugging me for over 15 years about Bard’s Tale II suddenly makes sense. Weird how this sort of thing happens.

Old joke:

FIRST KID: Boy, those chihuahuas sure must be smart dogs!


FIRST KID: 'Cause my Dad says the Mexicans use them to make burritos!

Yeah, but when he was the Pet.com dog he was edgy and funny, and you could always see the guy’s hand which made the joke better. Now he’s just a stupid little dog with too high of a voice and no snide humor.

And the Arby’s oven mitt. You know it used to be a cowboy’s lasso. A piece of rope. Then some ad guy must have noticed the shape was like an oven mitt and an annoying spokes-doofus was born.

If you’re referring to the Arby’s logo, I always thought it was a cowboy hat. It could be a lasso in the shape of a cowboy hat, now that I look at it again.