Worst lyrics in rock/pop music

“Who let the dogs out? Who…Who”
Repeat 100 times!

*I’m diggin’ on the isotope, this metaphysics shit is dope
And if all this can give me hope you know I’m satisfied *

See, that rap always cracks me up, because I interpret it as completely tongue-in-cheek. She’s the polar opposite of hardcore and she knows it.

In Mother and Father, on the other hand, the song is about processing grief. There’s nothing playful about it. She was trying to write from the perspective of a child and it fell flat.

I still think American Life one of her best albums.

I really hate this song. I remember deliberately setting out to pay attention to the lyrics one day when it came on the radio. I remember thinking, ‘‘That’s it?’’

No discussion of horrendous lyrics is complete without citing Golden Earring.

The same group that gave us classics like “Radar Love” and “Twilight Zone” also perpetrated (and included on their Greatest Hits album) such lyrical travesties as “She Flies On Strange Wings”:

Lonely is the night without you
Just as lonely as the shepherd without sheep

Even that one stands out as genius compared to “Leather”:

Love at first sight, lasts all night
Baby from the moment you opened my fly
It’s been alright, for my gesundheit
Baby from the moment you crossed my eye
Here it comes, here it comes
I don’t know where to go, it’s a sadomasochism.

And so it is.

“Pinnacle,” by Today is the Day:

Watch me destroy you
Get out of my path
I fucked your wife
Fucked her in the ass
She loved it
She sucks me
That’s really funny
Suck me You fucker
I hate you You’re nothing
Orgasmic Oh I’m coming Harder please harder
Fuck me Fuck me
I called you My best friend
The truth hurts
The price you pay
Don’t spit on me You don’t know me
My ass bleeds for you sincerely

Somebody was on something when they wrote that…

Well, in their defense, they weren’t native English speakers. Can’t say if their lyrics would be any better in Dutch, though… :stuck_out_tongue:

Brandy wears a braided chain made of finest silver from the north of Spain. Because silver from the south of Spain is, you know, crap.

Any song that rhymes two out of these three: school, cool, and fool.

It’s been done to death, folks. Find a new rhyme.

Gotta be Night Ranger’s “Sister Christian”.

Oh, wait… I forgot Gloria Estefan:

C’mon shake your body baby do the conga
I know you can’t control yourself any longa
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronga

I’ve always thought that that line is so awful that it went around the end and came back to awesome.

ETA: And if you think the lyrics are cheesy, you should check out the music video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPT_3PEjnsE The globe in particular is a thing of beauty.

“I cannot forget from where it is that I come from.”

John Mellencamp

Hah. Well, yeah, I see what you mean. “Somewhere in this town” is a pretty lame finish to the build-up in that sentence. But I’ve always liked it. It gives me this sense of excitement, like it doesn’t matter exactly where the jailbreak is, just that there’s commotion and a sense of forbidden action. It’s like knowing your favorite band is playing at a secret gig but you don’t know exactly where it is.

These lyrics are more relevant today than ever. With all the Black OPs CIA prisons, there could be dozens of jails in every podunk town.

And “fire” and “desire.” Jesus. We don’t smell THAT coming a mile away! :rolleyes:

Speaking of rhymes…

Itchin’ in the kitchen, eh.

“You can’t run…”

Oh, no, man, please don’t say it, please don’t–

“You can’t hide…”

Aw, geez, he said it!

Songs she sang to me,
Songs she brang to me

Not a rock song, but this one drives me crazy each time this year:
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen,
Comet and Cupid And Donner and Blitzen.
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all? *

If we already “know” about the other reindeer but have to somehow “recall” Rudolph, then how in the world could he be the “famous” one?

Just about any other two-syllable word would have worked in that line. They picked the one word that totally invalidated the entire stanza!

::sad trombone::

(I lol’d for real.)