Worst Tasting/Least Favorite Breakfast Cereal

I hate Rice Chex but love Corn Chex.

Oh good god, I agree 100%. Just the smell of hot oatmeal, for example, turns my stomach.

Well, I sure wouldn’t eat cold cereal in cold weather. Do you like bacon and eggs instead, for example?

Yes. I do. I mostly don’t like the consistency of oatmeal. There are very few foods that I don’t like, and I will try almost anything. Hot oatmeal, however, is just not for me.

As you wish. For example, I don’t like boiled or poached eggs; perhaps you do…

I just ate a boiled one. Love them.

With me it was slightly different: When I was a kid I liked boiled eggs and disliked fried eggs. Now it’s the other way around.

I can still remember begging - hard - for a box of Lucky Charms cereal back in the day. I bought into the advertising about it being magically delicious and wanted it in the worst way. Finally, my mother relented and bought a box. I dug in eagerly and nearly spat the nasty stuff out. Gross tasting cereal and even grosser marshmallow pieces. Having begged so long for it, I was forced to eat it until it was gone. Ugh.

I wasn’t a hypercritical eater at all. I liked plain old shredded wheat biscuits and puffed wheat, etc. But those Lucky Charms were awful.

Chacun à son goût.

No, All Bran is what locusts shit out after they consume a wheat field.

I had to bump this to say I’m a bigger cereal fan, because I love them ALL. My wife was gone for a week, and on the way back from taking her to the airport, I bought a BIG G Snack Pack: Three types of Chererios, Lucky Charms, Trix, Golden Grahams… and yes, Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

I’m currently putting together a cereal menu for a dozen guests, Thanksgiving morning.
My kids are emailing their favorites…
They know how I love cereal, and guessed that’s what I was stocking up on during the first week of the pandemic.

So when we were walking around NYC, they said “Get ready for what’s around this corner…”


Check out the menu… I thought I was in heaven. Which by the way, will look like this:

I haven’t eaten a bowl of cereal since '04, but if I found Quaker 100% Natural with raisins and dates on a store shelf again I’d buy it. That stuff was awesome!

I guess the worst cereal I ate that I tried to like was Frankenberry. I had sort of a strawberry flavor obsession going on at that time of my life.

One thing I discovered was how many cereals tasted just like Cap’n Crunch. Freakies and King Vitaman sure did, and so did Quisp and Quake IRRC.

BTW, it’s easy to refresh a stale box of cereal the kids left open. Just spread the stuff out on a cookie sheet and bake in a 250 F oven for about ten minutes. Put in a big zip lock bag before it cools and let it cool in the bag. That stale old Cap’n Crunch can now shred your palate as well as it ever did! (this also works well for pretzels, Cheetos, and other crispy snacks)

I count plain (not frosted) shredded wheat, the big pillows especially, as a favorite. The reason is, it’s the only cereal that is still edible when soggy.
But for some reason I never liked Weetabix. I remember buying it once but couldn’t finish the box, but I don’t recall why.

the same company made a dunkin donuts cereal that was chocolate on one side and i think “sugar” on the other side and it was made out of the same cardboard they made the nes cereal out of …

i liked it …

The worst cereal I’ve ever had was some cereal that was made specifically made for the WIC program.by general mills … it was like kix/Trix but was lemon pledge flavored … the only place you could buy it was a WIC “store” where you used their vouchers for things like formula and such … they expanded the program to include kids up to 12 years old and grandma always brought home boxes of the stuff until she tried it once

I once bought a store/generic front loop copy. I can’t remember the taste but it made your poop a dark purple!

I used to put Grape Nuts on yogurt.

I can’t stand any of the hot cereals (oatmeal, cream of wheat, etc. Or for that matter, grits.)

I always thought marshmallow bits were gross, too. Random associated facts:

The first boxes of Lucky Charms cereal contained marshmallows in the shapes of pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, and green clovers. The lineup has changed occasionally, beginning with the introduction of blue diamonds in 1975, followed by purple horseshoes in 1983,[8] red balloons in 1989, green trees in 1991, rainbows in 1992, blue moons in 1995, leprechaun hats in 1997 (temporarily replaced the green clovers), orange shooting stars and around-the-world charms in 1998 (added blue, green, yellow, purple, and red in 2011), a crystal ball in 2001, an hourglass in 2008,[3]and a unicorn in 2019. In 2013, 6 new rainbow swirl moons and 2 new rainbow charms were introduced. From the original four marshmallows, the permanent roster as of 2013 includes eight marshmallows.

Also you can buy just the marbits—Lucky Charms brand or others.


Good ol’ Amazon, not giving you the basic information you need… like “How much am I paying $18.99 for?” I scrolled down and saw "SIZE:"
(Oh, good… nope. Amazon followed SIZE with “10 x 7.3 x 2.9 inches”)

But they do say it costs over $3 an ounce! For that you could do what my daughter did when she was little. She had me get two large boxes of Lucky Charms, and she and a friend spent an hour separating the “marshmallows” from the “cereal”. Boxed them back up, with one ending up full of boring “cardboard charms”.

… and then she gave the box of Just Magical Marshmallows to her little brother for his birthday! Awwww…

So it IS possible to poop unicorns!

If you don’t get that brand, they’re a lot cheaper. These are 44 cents/ounce. No interesting shapes though…


I’m with you. They mostly taste like slightly scorched grain, with the texture of styrofoam rings. There’s not much redeeming about regular Cheerios.

I always loved peanut butter Cap’n Crunch as a kid. I liked the crunch-berries Cap’n Crunch better though.

Sugar smacks/golden crisp/etc… whatever puffed wheat cereal du jour it is; I’m not a huge fan. I mean, I’ll eat them, but mostly if there’s nothing else besides Cheerios.