Kinda inspired by Cervaise’s post in the “Most Beautiful SuperPeople” thread, I thought I’d finally post something that’s been on my mind for awhile…
That is, which current superheroes have the worst or ugliest costumes?
The “current” tag is added to compensate for the…well, oft cheesy look of costumes, the older the art is. I’m willing to concede that some costumes can be so old, well-respected, and iconic that they can be considered “grandfathered in,” no matter their flaws. For example, Superman and Spider-Man. However, in my book, they have to be pretty damn iconic, and can’t be completely, overridingly bad.
And…this thread is focusing mostly on the aesthetic angle, not on any functional flaws. So no cheap “no capez!” cracks, if you please.
My picks, for starters?
•The Vision
Take a look. Take a good, long, look. Though I have to admit, the costume design really does take one back to that tragic storyline involving his wife—no, wait, I’m sorry…I’m thinking of Canio. Canio as played by Liberace.
Honorable mentions:
I’m not saying it’s ALL bad, I’m not saying it’s unfixable, I’m not saying it’s completely impractical. All I’m saying is that I can only have so much respect for a costume that looks like black BVDs over a gray leotard. Or blue-grey BVDs, depending on the artist.
First off, there’s no reason he should have a costume anymore. That’s like giving James Bond a “costume.” Second, there’s no reason he should have a costume that’s yellow and blue, with decorative fins on it.
So…anyone else like to chime in?