Would You Be The Leader of Humanity

Well sure, YOU should say yes. You’d do a great job. It’s just the rest of us that I worry about.

Do I know who the first runner-up is before I make my choice?

Because I don’t think I’d be the best possible choice for the job. But, no offense intended, I think I’d do a better job than Curtis would.

I voted “No”.

It just wouldn’t work. The only way a one-world government could be effective, is without such an important figurehead.

Yes, if for no other reason than I could (presumably) choose my own successor, and resign. I wouldn’t trust the other jackasses of the world to pick someone on their own—probably the best they’d come up with would be a tie between Vladimir Putin and the Dalai Llama.

I’d do it, but I’d probably be unpopular as I’d do what was necessary for the good of everyone rather than what was palatable.

Absolutely. I’d be like Sarah Palin. I wouldn’t blink. The world need my Lordship.

Yay I broke the tie and yes pulls into the lead.

So, who wants to work for me? I’m sure there are some key positions that I could fill from the wise posters here.

I was once banned from human research - Can I be Minister of Science?

Hell, no, I hate meetings!

So make it your first order of business to ban all meetings.

You know very well I have no interest in actually ruling the world, Oak. Too much work.

Well … I’d change gun laws to what you and I think are reasonable, maybe.

I think we should have a worldwide vote on this, and disqualify every single person who says they want to rule the earth.

I protest, as I might get pushed into the job in that case, and I would be so filled with rage at the prospect that I would probably massacre everyone in Europe, instead of merely the people of Wales as per my current plan.

And you think you’re one of the few men who’s visionary and wise enough to lead the world?

I would, of course. I would style the world as a cult of personality centered around myself. Whores and Lincolns for all my friends!

Well, you have to keep your plans fluid.

Curtis has a certainty untainted by experience.

Now I can’t help visualizing you as Belkar Bitterleaf.

I’m a sexy, shoeless God of war!

Related thread.

Yes, I’d do it, if I was elected to it. (I wouldn’t want some shadowy cabal to thrust me into it, and then kill me when I got too ornery or asked too many questions for their taste). If it was a democratic, pluralistic, federal world government under the rule of law with a market economy and civil liberties for all, then hell yeah, I’d do it! It’d be the challenge - and the chance - of a lifetime for a political junkie like me.
