Just listening to Howard Stern, and they were saying how airline ticket sales for Sept 11 have plummeted.
Seems like a LOT of people don’t want to fly on that day.
Would you?
Just listening to Howard Stern, and they were saying how airline ticket sales for Sept 11 have plummeted.
Seems like a LOT of people don’t want to fly on that day.
Would you?
Absolutely. There is no logical reason why, if another terrorist attack of the same type were planned, that it would be on Sept. 11 rather than any other day.
Got just as much chance of being killed on any other day. If you start changing your plans and routines the terrorists have won.
Just for the record, I would too.
I can’t think of any good reason not to fly on that day. Sure, it’s possible that there could be another attack planned for the anniversary, for the added emotional impact, but I think people will be even more vigilant than usual on that day, so the chances of it succeeding are much lower. And I would feel f***ing victorious flying on that day, just to throw it in the terrorists’ faces that they can’t defeat me.
I would fly on 9/11/02 without any hesitation.
Yep. Figure security will be nice and tight on that day.
Considering we’ll be seeing a lot of tributes and memorials that day, I had been wondering if the airlines wouldn’t try to orchestrate a sort of “moment of silence” where all planes would be on the ground that day. (not that I’m suggesting that it should be done - just curious) Obviously not, though, since tickets are being sold for that day.
I don’t think the fear of flying that day is that off-base. True, there’s a 99.99999 chance that nothing will happen. Having disaster strike on the same day a year later seems like something out of a Bruce Willis movie. But then again, so was the original attack.
Logically, there’s no real reason to not fly that day. But being the silly emotional human beings that we are, logic isn’t always the driving force behind the decisions that we make.
I was scheduled to fly that day, but the Server I was to install STILL hasn’t arrived here, so our whole time table is out of whack, so we bumped it back a few weeks. I didn’t even think about it until I read the news articles about ticket sales.
You bet I’d do it, no problem.
But I dunno about the airlines’ doing a “moment of silence” deal, MachV, at least not in terms of having the planes grounded. It wouldn’t be very symbolic IMO to do that; in fact, it might even appear like they were scared of having their planes in the air, rather than having the intended effect.
I think it would be very poignant for the airlines to observe a moment of silence on each flight that day, though.
I would, if I was going anywhere.
On the other hand, my parents are going to Hawaii and the travel agent advised them not to fly then, not for safety issues, but because security could be so tight and airports so careful that delays might be really long. Since it’s a vacation trip and they don’t have a specific timetable they decided to wait a couple of days.
I agree that a moment of silence aboard flights would be a thoughtful gesture.
I’ll be home on 9/11, but I wouldn’t hesitate to fly on that day if I needed to.
I mean, come on! The terrorists’ plan worked brilliantly that day, but it’s a trick they can only pull off once!
I don’t doubt that there will be other terror strikes against the U.S., but it won’t be THAT particular kind of strike. They’ll find some other way to attack us, quite probably a way we haven’t thought of yet.
As for the date itself, well, was there ANYTHING special about September 11th before last year? Was there anthing significant about that date to the terrorists then? No. They picked a day that worked for them, without regard to symbolic value. If and when they strike again, they’ll strike at random, not on 9/11.
I would, if I had anywhere to go.
Wasn’t 9/11 the anniversary of the Camp David Peace Accord or something?
I would fly…but under very heavy sedation, just like I did last month. I didn’t even know who the hell I was by the time that plane took off.
I ain’t gettin’ on no plane, Hannibal!
[sub]Actually, I’d have no objection to flying on that day.[/sub]
JThunder: fine, B.A. How about a glass of milk instead?
Seeing as how I have had no reason to fly in almost 9 years, I guess I don’t really count, but I would fly. It would probably be dirt cheap since a lot of the planes will be empty.
Sure, no reason why not.
I think I would fly, if I had somewhere to go. I think if anything’s going to happen, it’ll happen while I’m on the plane, anyways. (/pessimistic attitude)
My best friend has his final interview to become an American citizen on September 11. When he first told me this, I thought it was funny, but now I think it’s a weird coincidence.
I will be flying on 9/11/2002 – and into Washington, DC, no less.
My only concern was that airport security is probably going to be on high alert, which means long waits at the airport.
September 11, 1950-something was the ground-breaking day for the pentagon.