Would You Hate People For Their Politics or Religious Views?

Would you hate people for their political or religious views?

I’m speaking of more or less mainstream political or religious views not Nazis or Communists or neo-Aztec cultists and I mean hating people solely or mainly because of their views, not because they’re being a douche about it

No, never, I may feel less respect for such person, but never hate.

Anyway for that matter I care more about if the person has given any thought to such believes. What i’m trying to say, is I dont care that much about what you believe, rather than why you believe it.

Lord knows I try not to. And not *quite *to the level of hate. But it’s hard not to dislike, shall we say, someone who supports Gov. Romney or George W. Bush for president. I can get over it if they’re otherwise nice people or related to me. Lately I’ve been more upset by religious people, but I never meet any of those in real life, so it’s not a problem.

No. Not in the least. I car-pool with a Muslim and and a Hindu. They know I’m atheist. We’re professional people and completely respect one another’s point of view.

In fact, we have some very enlightening conversations and I am a better person for listening to them and their viewpoints.

We all like listening to Bill Maher. Life is good.

Of course.

Republicans and fundamental anythings are ripe for hatred and derision. There’s no “Hate the sin, not the sinner” around Casa Silenus. :stuck_out_tongue:

It depends on the brand and especially on the virulence.

It’s hard not to hate Fred Phelps.

I answered on your presumption of mainstream politics and religions.

If you were to include fundamentalists or zealots of either political or religious stripes, my answer would change.

If you ask me if I think less of someone, then yes, I do. But I don’t hate them. I pity them in a “bless your heart” sort of way.

No, and only on the assumption that their views are not radical.

It actually takes a lot for me to hate someone.

I used to have nothing but bewildered contempt for people with different political ideas than my own. Then I ventured out of my little enclave of progressives and eco-hippies, through various incidental endeavors like livestock raising and becoming a Catholic. I found that, weird as it sounds, benighted right wing social and political beliefs often go hand in hand with personal warmth, generosity, uncomplicated loyalty, and a wicked sense of humor. Way more often than it does with the more highly-strung over-thinking left wingers I know. Just my experience.

I’m still a progressive eco-hippie. I just don’t talk about politics with some of my friends.

Hate, no. View upon less favourably, yes.

By that I mean holding certain religious views that are still mainstream within their religion, per your OP. I certainly wouldn’t be bothered if someone were Muslim or Christian or whatever per se, but I know lots of Christians that are OK with gay marriage, for example; if someone at work were to go on about all gays being against God then yeah, I would not consider them a good candidate for future best friend.

I see no reason not to hate someone who thinks I deserve to be tortured forever, or who wants to slaughter people by the thousands or millions for fun & profit, or who thinks that the poor should be starved to death, or who regards other people as simply cattle to be exploited. And all of those positions are both pretty common and deserving of hatred IMHO.

I view people who say they are believers or identify themselves as Christian with great suspicion. I won’t hate them unless they start talking about a woman’s proper role, or why we can’t trust the Muslims, or says “the gays,” or “the blacks/hispanics” in conversation, or other similar revealing comments. So far in my life I’ve seen remarkable overlap between people who call themselves Christians and intolerant pricks.

I don’t hate anyone for their political views though, even if they’re extreme. I donate significant (for me) money to the Obama campaign, and it doesn’t bother me one bit when a pro-lifer says he thinks a fetus is a person, or when a gun enthusiast stockpiles ammo because he’s afraid legislation will make it harder to buy soon, or when someone explains why supply side economics is a good idea. I disagree with all three of those people, but they don’t have to be a bigoted asshole to have those opinions.

I know we’re not in great debates, but I can’t help myself but to challenge you yet again.

Do you think “yes” would be a pretty common answer if the questions below were on a hypothetical survey?

  1. Do you think people should be tortured forever?
  2. Should we slaughter people by the thousands and millions for fun and profit?
  3. Should the poor be starved to death?
  4. Should people be regarded as cattle to be exploited?

I’ll go ahead and make the bold assertion that people answering those questions honestly would overwhelmingly say “no” to all of those questions. Psycopathy is not nearly as common as you think. Even the most evil people who actually do exploit and kill other people have rationalized it to convince themselves that they’re not a bad guy.

How do you get along with your boss, your co-workers, your neighbors, your friends – some of whom must have different political views than you?

No, I just avoid them. Luckily, I’ve always lived in places where that is pretty easy to do.

Sounds to me like you’re making Der Trihs’s point for him.

The fact that someone has managed to rationalize a hateful or violent or prejudiced position doesn’t remove the hate or the violence or the prejudice.

No. Hate means you spend time thinking about someone. It takes an effort to hate. I don’t have the time or energy for that.

I don’t do hate, myself. It’s a choice, after all.

Dislike, avoid, disparage, mock, perhaps even disrespect, certainly.

Somehow, I find, it’s enough.

I don’t even hate the people whose political ideology includes hating me… hate is so tiresome, you know?

Those people aren’t mainstream and they’re losing steam left and right, but I still run into them.

And then there’s the ones who are way too common, the ones who hate me for being from where I am (lately it’s become popular in Spanish politics to complain about the regions with foral systems, rather than about non-foral politicians with sticky hands; if we have a better economy it can’t be because our politicians don’t steal as much as others, it has to be because we steal from the rest). Those, I don’t bother hate either, but they’re cordially invited to wrap their envy in cactus spines and stick it up their ass.

Of course not; they use euphemisms, sanitized or prettied up terms instead. They don’t say “tortured forever”, they say “Hell”.