Would you like to read my writing?

I don’t consider myself a good writer. At all. I read something once (I think an introduction to a book) that divided writers into categories, one of which was “passionate amateur”. I almost used that as my Doper name. :smiley: It’s a perfect description of the way I write. I enjoy what I write and the process of writing, but I doubt many others would (enjoy what I write). That being said, sometimes I “get into the mood” and write a whole bunch of crap. Some of this crap is good, and some is…crap. My point being, today I wrote down some stuff, and I’m wondering if it’s any good. Would you like to take a gander? Be brutally honest. I can take it.

Note: these two things are in no way related, except that they both came out of my brain today. Enjoy.