Would you stand for a Star Wars reboot?

It was in fact called that for a while before its release. I worked at a theater at the time, and we had *Revenge of the Jedi *posters on display. When they were recalled, management was very firmly instructed to make damn sure every copy of every poster was accounted for and sent back. I did, however, manage to snag a pin-on button with the original title, and I still have it. (Wonder if it’s worth anything now?)

They could do the whole movie with that one Russian guy doing a voiceover in monotone.

About 15 bucks.

This is what I have. No sales over 10 dollars in the past few months.

Guess I’ll hang on to it. :slight_smile:

Those be reprints, yo.

From your same link, originals seem to be in the hundreds and thousands.

Hang on to it!

When I was a kid, right after the original movie came out, I used to have a huge button that said “Darth Vader Lives!” over a silhouette of his helmet.

I don’t care about resale value, that’s just something I wish I still had.

A huge part of creating a masterpiece is knowing when to put down the paint brush/chisel/camera. With Star Wars, it is that time. It is what it is, and I think it’s as good as it can get. Futzing with it any further is just going to cause distraction (WTF? Jabba The Hut blocking Luke’s & Obi-Wan’s escape from Tatooine? I don’t remember that!) and make it worse. And right now I think it’s perfectly acceptable.

I would’t want to see a reboot. I think there are plenty of reboots out there already and it would be a disservice to the original trilogy for Lucas to redo it.

I am interested in the Star Wars universe though and I wouldn’t mind seeing another trilogy developed, either many years before New Hope or 50-100 years after. I would really like to see someone else develop it though under Lucas’s guidance. Get a good team of writers and a good director involved. Get someone in there who can say “Hey George, we love Star Wars, we love it a lot. Let us take control of it and make a good story for you” instead of smiling and nodding when Lucas comes up with the next Jar Jar Binks.

I skipped most of the responses.

I’m terribly afraid fof the casting choices that would be made, so I have just have one question;

Do you want to see Shia LeBouf as Han Solo? Well do you?

Because that’s what those fuckers would give us.

No. I’d sit.

Something like what happened with Roddenbury after Star Trek the motion picture?

Sure why not. Moving away from Roddenbury after the Motion Picture begat Wrath of Khan, which was arguably the best movie of the franchise.

Gods no, why? They are already re-releasing 3D versions. I would rather that Lucas took his hand off the wheel and let someone else make a 3-5 movies series about the Jedi knights back in the time of the Old Republic. I don’t know why they haven’t done so already. Probably Lucas is too lazy to do it himself, and yet unwilling to let someone else handle it.

Duct tape is like the Force. There is a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.

Not only should the original three be remade, they should be remade as completely CGI films by Lucas! And Lucas should destroy all existing prints of the previous versions! [/super_villain]

Seriously though, I wouldn’t mind a reboot as long as it were internally consistent and intelligently directed. Get rid of some of the more stupid stuff from the originals.

The Kessel-run, the space worm with an atmosphere and gravity in its belly, Ewoks, Boba-Fett’s chump of the millennia death scene, the “let’s let someone with mild mental retardation devise our plan to rescue Han” thing, and I’m sure I’m missing a few others.

And I’m about to blow your mind: Ryan Gosling as Han Solo.

Knights of the Old Republic could be a great movie franchise. And come to think of it, so could Starkillers adventures.

Pour all that money into The Han Solo story. Or Mace Windu and there are snakes on his spaceship. Reboot is such a dirty word.

I think Nathan Fillion would be better, he effectively played a Han-like character in Firefly

Well, yeah, ten years ago maybe. But he’s gettin’ on in years at this point. Not that I wouldn’t sign on to his ship, by the way.

This is a big part of Aaron Diaz’s argument that Lucas screwed up the prequels because he didn’t understand the continuity of his own franchise. Diaz points out that other people fleshed out ESB while Lucas wasn’t even in the country, and the original trilogy wasn’t really all Lucas’s, creatively.

I agree with you that Jar-Jar Binks is not a betrayal of a series that had Jawas, C-3PO, the muppets in Jabba’s palace, and Ewoks. I liked that stuff as a kid, and it’s part of the world. Too many fans don’t get it.

The reuse of Tatooine in the prequels was a failure of imagination though. It’s not a small-budget production that has to reuse sets, so Lucas made a creative choice that Tatooine was just where he wanted to go. Bleh. At least Naboo was cool-looking.

Hm. Maybe it wasn’t Aaron Diaz who made the point I’m remembering about Lucas going from “working with others” to “doing it himself” and screwing it up. Who was it then?

Oh, well. Maybe it was a comment on a mightygodking post, in which case I don’t expect to find it.

If it was well written, well-acted, and showed respect to the fans and source material (a’la Sam Raimi’s labor of love in the first Spiderman trilogy) it can’t go wrong. However, if they just slapped a bunch of concepts together that contradicted what we know about the history in an obvious effort to make money, it can’t possibly be good (e.g. Indy 4.)

My big concern though is the expanded universe. There’s so much nerd jizz on the original concepts that you can’t tell up from down anymore. If they stick to the original series, the nerds are going to explode. If they use the nerdiverse, fans of the original will feel betrayed.