Wouldn't It Make More Sense to Kill Old People than Babies?

Lets look at some points.

  1. Old people have nothing to look forward to when they are old(I am talking about bed ridden old people that just sleep and eat oh and complain)except death. They have already lived the best years.

  2. They are done contributing to society as a whole and now have become a drag on society.

  3. They are hard to talk to because you have to yell and then they still don’t know what you said.

  4. SS could go to helping troubled families instead of old people.

  5. They also usually make you feel bad to be around(they kind of smell) and they make you think about your own mortality.

Babies on the other hand…

  1. Have their whole life(except when they get bed ridden we kill’em) to look forward to.

2.They will be a drag on society just for their youth yeats then can contribute much to society.

  1. All of there sense are very keen and it is fun to watch them learn new words.

  2. SS woulk just help them get started not pay for the remainder of their years.

  3. Babies are a joy to be around(even thought they smell too sometimes) and they make you feel great about life.

Well just from these examples(I could think of more)it would make more sense to kill old people that are bed ridden that babies still in the womb. I wonder why pro-choice people don’t push this more. It actually makes more logical sense even though both are very tragic.

This post is just to make you think.

“We’ve got to eat all the old people (show 'em that you love 'em)
We’ve got to eat all the old people (shove 'em in the oven)
We’ve got to E-A-T
All the O-L-D…”

Oh my…

Wait, wait… I’ve got an idea, why don’t we kill everybody. Think about it. All of socities problems will be solved. No poverty; No war; No famine; and No (additional) death.

Of course the Straight Dope would still exist. But I imagine it would be rather quiet around here.

I guess it probably wouldn’t work.


Ok enough melodrama back to discussion.

By this notion we should also kill everyone at a Korn concert.
which I’m not opposed to.



Why not just retitle the thread “Wouldn’t it make more sense to kill old people, instead of letting women make their own decisions about their own bodies?”

Bill, Bill, do you enjoy skating on thin ice? IMHO (and I am not a moderator, nor do I carry any official weight here at all) this thread seems to be at great risk to be identified as a troll posting, rather than engendering any real discussion.

I point this out because I know you were recently warned about trolling, and frankly, if you get banned, I’m gonna miss you. I’m not sure why, maybe because I catch real glimpses of an interesting guy behind your posts.


So, Bill, since 50% or so of all fertilized eggs do not seat in the uterus, does that make God the world’s most prolific abortionist? Hint: according to you it does.

Me, I’m pro-choice (early term) and pro-euthanasia (passive), no problems here.

Oh my dear sweet Jesus. All I want for my birthday is this thread moved to the Pit.

(Well, that and a pony.)

About 15 years ago, I read a Modest Proposal in the Washington City Paper that provided the ultimate solution to the abortion problem. The proposal went as follows:

  1. Outlaw abortion;
  2. When a woman expressed a desire to have an abortion, we would instead put to death a (volunteer) member of Operation Rescue or other anti-abortion organization;
  3. The assets of said killed anti-abortionist would be put in trust to pay for the needs of the now non-aborted child; and
  4. Said killed anti-abortionists would be put to death humanely and painlessly by (former) abortion-providing doctors.

Everybody wins. The anti-abortionists not only get the satisfaction of ending abortion in this country, but the volunteers who are put to death get the added bonus of martyrdom and enternal bliss. The child lives. The mother get the financial resources to raise said child, thus cutting back on one of the more important reasons abortions were sought in the first place. And the doctors recoup their income lost from providing now-illegal abortions by getting fees for humanely killing anti-abortionists.

Where’s the down side?



First, I would miss you guys to(did I just say you guys? I meant y’all) . Thanks. But I don’t think my title is trollish at all I think it is factish. I consider what happens in those clinics as a loss of someone’s life as a result of a choice.

Would that you would start. And less than 24 hours after Lynn told you not to troll.

Meet me in the Pit you bigoted…



  1. Old people have nothing to look forward to when they are old(I am talking about bed ridden old people that just sleep and eat oh and complain)except death…
    [End quote]

Maybe if their family members visited them, they would have something to look forward to!

On the other hand, some old people would really rather die, & I think I can understand their point of view, but isn’t Dr. Kevorkian in jail?

If you have spent any time in an old folks home then your argument might have some merit. they are prisons that we send the old folks to and we give them the drugs to keep alive for a long time. their life sentence is worse than a death sentence.

I know . that is overly generalized. and how do you tell which to allow to die in their sleep. I would hate to make that decision. now if they can pay, they are fed, cleaned, and turned everyday. and medicine is progressing to the point that we can keep them alive longer. To me this is tougher than abortion issues. the only solution is just to ignore it and think of this weekend’s football games.

“I’m not present,
I’m a drug that makes you dream”

My wife just lost both of her grandmothers in two months, Bill. One at the end of July, and one the first week of September. I have watched her be wracked with grief and guilt and all the other things that come with the death of a close relative. I have consoled her through rivers of tears.

The only things I could possibly say to you right now would get me banned from the SDMB. If God as described in the Bible right now really exists, he is so ashamed of you that it isn’t even funny.

Well, I think that we should put a device in people’s palms that turn color when they’re 30, and then when it turns color, make them come in for execution. :rolleyes:

I dunno…I really don’t know what to say about this post. When I hit the “reply” button, I thought I had something to say, and I guess I could go on to talk about the limitations of argument by analogy, but I don’t think it would be worth it.

this is not the Pit, this is not the Pit…

Bill-are you even serious? Do you have any idea how VILE this proposal is?
For one thing, fetuses are not people, okay? They don’t have the ability to think and FEEL like we do. Like the elderly do. Like my grandparents. Like-oh forget it.

If you think nursing homes are so bad, then start lobbying to create better laws and regulations in how they are run. Volunteer at a nursing home.

But to suggest KILLING people, because they wo-No, I won’t say it. I won’t.

I’m about ready to cry-for reals, people.

Phil, give your wife my condolences. I’m in a similar boat having lost one Grandmother a month ago and the other about 8 months ago. Both enjoyed their retirements, got to see their great-grandkids and even to the end were more intelligent and lucid than Bill could be on the best of days.

I know how you feel about not being able to say to Bill what should be said. That pit-thread I started got rewritten three or four times to make it acceptable.


Some of you people really need to get a life. I think sua, jarbabyj, bartman, qadgop, and captain understood this was just an extrememe satiracle(I almost positive i butchered that word death or just plain made it up) analogy to get people to think about babies that don’t even half a chance at life. I have been to many old folks homes and I feel them. I love my almost 90 year old grandfather. He is losing his memory so fast sometimes he ask me who I am. He always tells me that it is Hell to get old. He doesn’t have to tell me.

If y’all want to ban me because I used an extreme example I think you need to ban alot of other people to. And just one more time for the slow people like fenris I did not post this as an actual idea to be put in motion. That would be pretty stupid because one day we are all going to be old just as one day we were all babies in our mother’s wombs.

Make me think what? I’m not sure what you wanted me to think, but I can tell you what I do think.
[li]I think you’re really bad at making analogies.[/li][li]I think you probably thought you had a point, but it got lost somewhere in all the ugliness you’ve just spewed.[/li][li]I think I’m sad to not only know that there are people out there who think like you, but because I actually now have to say I know one of them (you).[/li][li]I think that I’d better wrap this up before it becomes more suited for Fenris’ Pit thread.[/li][/list=1]
I hope you’re feeling better soon.

I really appreciate your consideration in avoiding stepping on my penis - Spiny Norman
Jeg elsker dig, Thomas