I mean wouldn’t it free up alot of the gov’t time and money so they could look for terrorist instead looking for gear and pot heads? Also there could be a special terrorists tax on the pot and steroids that goes to fighting terrorist. So when the steroid user is sticking a needle in his glutes or when the pothead is taking a hit off a bong, they can feel like they are contributing to the war on these feeble brain, hind tit, imbred, twisted, camel breath, cowardly, weak, terrible flying terrorist(Did you notice I left out “towel”?).
Also there would be more money saved from not incarcerating the pot and gear heads.
A “gear head”, Shanny, is a fanatical mountain biker, who terrorizes people using trails for innocent things like walking their dogs, horseback riding, hiking, etc.
You’re absolutely right, Bill. I agree that the Feds should stop wasting their time chasing after these abusers of the nation’s recreational areas and go after Osama Bin Laden.
After the International Terrorist Conspiracy has been crushed utterly, there will be time to deal with the IMBA.
Who said I ever did? But just hypothetically wouldn’t you want me big and strong as possible if I was on the same plane as you were flying on when terrorist hijacked it?
I just cannot help myself. I have to read all of Wildest Bill’s threads. They have all the horrible fascination of watching a slow-motion train wreck. I can’t not look.
Anyway, WB, this is the first (and probably the last) time that I actually agree with you.
And clearly, “gearhead” refers to anyone enthusiatic about the purchase, trade, collection, use, creation, modification and discussion of mechanical devices of any sort. This should obviously be prosecuted as harshly as possible, to the full extent of the law, and beyond in some cases.
Yeah, but these bigger stronger dudes will have shrunken, useless willy’s (not the jeep) and won’t be able to procreate. With the birth rate down so much, the wacky terrorists will be able to take over us all. TERRORISTS WIN, MAN!!
I dunno, Bill…even as a non-user (even in college) I have always been in favor of legalization and taxation of the gentle weed. But anabolic steroids?? The reason those were made controlled is not because they make users strong, but because they can make users psychotic, overaggressive, and paranoid. Also, the androgens can cause the long bones to mature and stop growing, so users can end up shorter than they might have been if they start using before they achieve full height. Also there is a link between steroid abuse and brain cancer. Not sure I’d want the US Army full of uncontrollably aggressive short paranoid psychotics, however strong they might be.
And alcohol can make you kill people with your vehicle. In fact, it DOES, to the tune of thousands of deaths every year. I’m not sure a worst case scenario is a good rationale for banning a drug,
They’d be useless soldiers even if they weren’t dangerous to the general public.
Although alcohol does make people intoxicated and crash cars, it doesn’t have the same physiological effects as steroids. Which, as it has been pointed out, can turn you into a total nutjob. And although the advent of psychotic episodes due to steroids is infrequent, the increased aggression and tiny testicles are pretty standard. At least, that’s what everything I’ve read about them says.
As for the question of whether I would like to have a preternaturally strong (and angry!) fireplug of a man attacking people who his paranoid brain thinks might decide to hijack the plane, I think that I might not. Sorry Bill.
Steriods also can cause areas of bone to just die off, and the dead bone must be removed. I’ve seen people that took the steriods during their sports career that are now wheel chair bound.
I do think that the government spends too much of it’s resources on petty shit like ditch weed. Go after the the cyrstal meth and stop spraying the farm fields with poison claming that the weed killed was worth $200,000,000. It’s only worth what rope fiber is selling for. Find a way to remove the medicines pissed out by people, from comtaminating the waterways and drinking suplies.
Stop shooting down all the space aliens, and release that information on tapping into another dimension that supplies infinate energy.
How long until the Chernolbo reactor building colapses and sends the deadly dust into the air. You are aware that the destroyed open buiding rubble is full of radiative dust, and open to the weather arn’t you. The core is below the reactor and luckly fused with the ground to produce a glass radiactive mass.
Oh please smoke the pot and operate heavy machinery, then I can find you on some of my fovorite sites. Better yet, take steriods and when you become irrated beat the brains out of your best freind some day. You could immated the guy that cut the skin from his face when stoned and fed it to his dog. It’s a real pretty picture, but the mods would disable the link.