I’ve been using Firefox for a few years - I think the plugins are great, and I hated how so many sites hated Safari. But I’ll have a bunch of tabs open, and Firefox slows down, big time. So I fired up the new Safari… and it flies. Even the SDMB opens with the quickness.
Anyone else switching back to “the world’s fastest web browser?”
I use both. Safari is quicker with most things, but over time it slows down and eventually locks up. Firefox (I’m using 1.5) starts out slow but is more stable. I find that Firefox also uses more processor capacity than Safari. It can do things nothing else can though, with the extensions.
Mostly I use Safari (even at work where I’m stuck using an older version because we haven’t upgraded our System software yet), but some sites just work better in Firefox. All I can say is I’m glad I never have to even think about using IE.
Im also a returning Safari user as Firefox seemed to have a few too many quirky bugs for me. A question though. Has anyone been using Safari 3.0.2? Seems my copy crashes anytime WMV or Acrobat is launched via the browser.Anyone have this problem. Oh, and another thing. This version has also botched my yahoo IM program too. The IM windows require me to scroll down to the message every time it updates. Anyone?
I’m using Safari 2.0.4, and I have very few problems and no problems with yahoo IM. And now that I have Boot Camp and Windows, I’ll just switch to Windows if I run into a website that won’t co-operate with Safari.
Oh man, Firefox has been a real pain lately. here. I don’t think I could give up my Gmail and Greasemonkey extensions, but about once a day now Firefox will just stop browsing, or render CSS incorrectly, and require a Force Quit.
Luckily FF is in constant development, previous issues I’ve had seemed to work themselves out down the road.
I’ve noticed Firefox freezing up and requiring a force quit fairly often lately as well. Irritating, but I don’t think I could go back to Safari. I need my command-K and command-L functions!
Firefox has been a pain for weeks. I even turned on the reporting feature, it’s happening so much. IE has been crap too. I think it’s the damn Quicktime, which I have to have installed for itunes to work.
Yeah, I made the mistake of upgrading to Firefox 2 on Linux. What a disgrace. I think it’s the only programme I’ve known that can regularly freeze Linux.
I use Safari for most things, Firefox for problem sites. Unfortunately, there are still some compatibility issues sometimes. Rare, but it happens. There are a few tools in OS X (Xupport, Cocktail, TinkerTool) that will enable the debug menu, or if you know what you’re doing, you can do it though the command line. That is nice because you can open websites with an alternate browser directly from that menu. I’m sure you can enable it in the Windows version too, but I don’t know how offhand.
The new Safari replaces two extensions I had running before, Taboo and ForgetMeNot, with built in functionality now. I’m a little annoyed that they broke PithHelmet with this new version though. PithHelmet rocks.
I’m going to see if I can get my wife to try Safari on her XP machine. She might like it, though she’s currently a Firefox fan.
Unless you’ve got some extensions you can’t give up, Camino was developed exactly to remedy this.
I recently got a new MacBook Pro, and while setting up I was using Safari. I couldn’t believe how unreliable it was. It locked up about once a day, which was not how I remembered it. I’ve been using Camino pretty much exclusively for over a year on Macs, and it ran fine, even on my old TiBook.