I learned a lesson this week: they pick up the garbage twice a week around here for a reason.
You see, due to some anomaly, we generated very little trash the last two weeks. Four garbage days came and went, each time with me thinking “Meh…there’s hardly anything in the garbage bin. I’ll put it out by the street next time.”
Now, “very little” trash doesn’t mean “no trash”. And there was one bag in the garbage can that it seems I had forgotten about. You see, about two weeks ago, I decide to clean out the fridge. I pull out the unidentifiable, fuzzy things that’ve sat way in the back of the fridge for so long that they’re probably working up escape plans of their own. Pinch nose, toss in trash bag, toss bag in outside garbage pail. Then wait. Two weeks. With old, rotting meat products in the bottom of the garbage.
Two days ago, I walked past the trash can, and noticed a maggot on the lid. “Huh…”, I thought, “…that’s an odd place for a single maggot to be hanging out. Oh yeah, that reminds me…I gotta get this can out tomorrow night for garbage collection Thursday morning”.
Last night I empty the wastebaskets around the house, bag up the trash, and take it down to the garbage can. I lift the lid, and freeze. Ho. Lee. Crap. Maggots. Billions of 'em. Swarming, teeming, wrestling, dropping out of the can all over the driveway. I look down my feet, and realize I’m standing on a living carpet.
I toss the bag in the can and jump out of the fray. They’re not spiders, meaning my ick-factor is pretty low for these guys, so I take some time to study them. I notice that there is a long line of them stretching down the driveway. I crouch down for a closer look, and realize that they’re not making this trip willingly – a nest of ants has realized that a feast was on, and were carrying their wriggly morsels back to their queen.
I gingerly stepped around the fray and dragged the can down to the curb, spewing bucketloads of maggots the entire way. I thought about just getting the hose and washing them all away, but figured they’d all meet one end or the other by morning.
I peeked out my window this morning when the garbage truck approached – I felt really bad about what the garbage man was about to discover. I guess it’s nothing out of the ordinary, though. He didn’t bat an eye…just dumped the trash and moved on. The real kicker came after they pulled away, though. Within minutes, my driveway became like a scene out of The Birds. It seems the ants weren’t the only ones to get a feast out of this.
I went out to collect the can, and found that the bottom of it was still about an inch think with the little suckers. I flipped the can over, dropped it to the street, and :: schlorp ::, the can was empty. I wheeled the can back up the driveway, and hadn’t even gotten the door closed when the feeding frenzy was back in full swing. Some damn happy birds in my neighborhood this morning. I went outside 10 minutes later, and there was nary a maggot to be found anywhere.
Yeah, it was kinda nasty, but when I think about how fast the birdseed vanishes from the feeder in the yard, I dunno…a little bit of rotten meat could save me a few bucks.