Write an article or review at the TMHP

As I get the TMHP more and more converted over to the New Way, I’m adding new features.

Currently, there is a way to write an article and a way to post a review. Please feel free to do these very fancy things :slight_smile:


articles on what?

The sections are “Announcements” “Share with the group” and “general”

I wrote an announcement about my upcoming surgery, for example.

cool - sounds interesting. i keep meaning to take a look at your TMHP - i hear very good things about both it and its creator.

Don’t think i could write about me though. I know what i’m like - i’d take offense at the article and sue myself for lible.

What about movie reviews? Since Cervaise apparently doesn’t intend to, I’d like to review Almost Famous. I’d also like to review Billy Elliot, the first perfect movie of this century.

The reviews can be about anything. Unofficial categories are movies, books, music, games, software, services, products

Wow, thanks, Opal! But it has forgotten my password.

Forgotten? err… you have forgotten since yesterday?

[please note: the profile script that people signed up for long ago is a completely separate program and there is no way to merge that database with the current front-end content manager. Also, this is totally different from the Fathom stuf.]

Yesterday? Huh? Are you saying we need to reregister?

No… you don’t need to re-register… you need to register in the first place. I’m guessing that you registered for the profile thing that we’ve had up there for several years. This is something else entirely, which you need to register for. There is no way to merge the databases from the profile software to the front-end software… they are wholly unrelated.

Oh, okay. Sorry. I’ll try again.

Thanks, Opal. I’m in. One more question, does the sig support small flash files?

I have no idea.

btw, there is a nifty private message feature on there, where you can send messages to other members.