WTB: Autocad

I just got laid off from my job yesterday :frowning:

I’ve got a couple leads on PM/designer jobs but my copy of Acad was on my work computer and I need a copy of regular or LT. Anyone got an older copy lying around they want to get rid of cheap?

I have them somewhere that are 8 and 16 bit.

I can run them on my Win7 64bit machine, right? How much? I really only need 2D for doing floorplans and elevations.

I will look. i have not used them in years. I think it comes on hard discs.
I believe you can download a 2 d system for free on line. I looked a week or so ago and believe I saw it.

(redacted link to pirate site) Here is 2009 qnd 10 which would be newer than mine.

Is that leagal?
It looks kind of iffy.

“Kind of iffy” is rather an understatement. It’s a link to rapidshare to a copy including a crack and keygen. On a site that links to pirated software to help them sell porn ads… that’s definitely piracy.

IMO pirating software like this for personal use (brushing up your skills) is less morally wrong than pirating it to do any sort of commercial work, for whatever that’s worth…

Still can not locate my ols auto cad.
The 2 d autocad that managers use is not protected like the real design packages.

Here you go, bro: http://www.progesoft.com/en/smart-2009

Free for personal use. And prints an annoying remark to that effect around the border.

Hi, when I changed jobs, and left my company-owned Autocad behind, I used a free version of ProgeCAD, available from here http://www.caddit.net/progecad/smart.php

The GUI is virtually identical to Autocad so you won’t find any trouble in making the transition.