Wu Hu Zang Long!

Also Known As:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Has anyone seen this film? It stars Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh. I just saw the trailer last week when we rented The Patriot(a great movie, BTW). It looks awesome! I haven’t looked for it yet in the video store, but I will be this weekend. Please, no spoilers if you’ve seen it, since I just read the review at IMDB and it says there are a few twists.

IT looks great…but then I’ll get any movie with Chow Yun Fat or Michelle Yeoh in it…both of them…absolutely.
Yes folks, that means that I sadly saw the replacement killers…:sigh:

2 hours oldie? You better get yerself to the airport!

I guess I could be nice and link the IMDB listing.

Well the flight is semi delayed. She’s not landing till 10:54… thank you united automated flight info… and I’m about 15 minutes tops from the airport here in SJ…So I’m not worried.

I’ve been waiting for this one!

I don’t think it has had wide theatrical release yet. In fact, it may never get to ‘C’ cities, but I am hoping it at least makes the ‘B’ circuit.

I have seen previews a couple of times and each time end up salivating.