X-Com still rocks (Classic games you're playing now...)

Anybody here had any success getting Bochs to work? I’m too lazy to try myself, but a pc emulator that runs under windows sounds like the ticket to get all these fidgety old programs working.

I played X Com some, and really enjoyed it. I need to reinstall it and play it somemore.

The current classic that I’ve gotten into is Total Annihilation. When the game showed up, it revolutionized the real time stratagy genre, and it still holds up with the best of them.

Among its many inovations, it featured new units on its web site that you could download weekly.

I’m playing the solo missions right now to retrain myself, then it’s off to find some human opponents…

I put Sim City Classic back in my PC and play that on occasion, along with Transport Tycoon Deluxe, the original Railroad Tycoon (Deluxe version doesn’t like my PC anymore), Civilization for Windows, Dungeon Hack, and the original Red Baron (RBII flies too slow for some reason). I need to find my copy of Master of Magic and play that some more.

On the subject of playable games, the last arcade game I could actually play competently had Ivan Stewart’s name on it!

Quake :slight_smile: I’ve had it on here ever since it came out, upgraded the entire computer around it, and it runs fine.
Duke Nukem 3d also.
SimCity 2000.
I’ve got Doom II around here, but haven’t installed it in ages.

I’ve got a copy of X Com finally. Probably will fiddle with it soon.

I went to the local mall. It’s new.

The two games I have on every computer I own, are Master of Orion II and Civilization II. I’ve had a version of both of these titles on every machine of mine since '92.

I am eagerly awaiting the third edition of both. Hopefully they won’t disapoint. They only things I am waiting as eagerly for are the Lord of the Rings movies sceduled over the next 3 years.

X-com is one of the all time greats though.

I’ve been playing a game called Strategic Conquest 3.0, on various Macintoshes, for about fiteen years now. Sure, it’s a simplistic conquer-the-world game (where the world is fifty cities in an archipellago), but I’ve found it so addictive that I keep going back to it, night after night.

I’ve also done some MAME-ing myself, though trying to figure out how to configure the controls for some games (Defender, anyone?) is more trouble than it’s worth. Lunar Lander, though, is a classic. That will be just as playable in 20,001 as it is today: a nearly perfect game.

Speaking of old school classics, I’m also a big fan of Risk and Chess, though I haven’t played the latter for entirely too long.

Someone here recently posted a link to the game Wasteland. I’ve been happily wandering the wastes since then…

Sim City 2000, Tetris, Total Annhilation the true classics really never age. I’ve recently discovered Super Metroid too on the SNES, the chunky graphics, synthisiser music and excellent gameplay all bring back the joy of early games. I’m not against something modern(Super Metroid is having to vie with Zelda- Majora’s Mask for my gameplaying time) but like I said true classics never age.

Well I couldn’t find the X-Com collectors edition for Windows anywhere but I’m sure it will turn up somewhere. Thanks for the heads up though Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor.

I’m still playin EA hockey (1991) on my 16 bit Mega Drive (Genesys in the US) MAN that game ROCKS!!! no great graphics to speak of, but the PLAYABILITY is second to none.

Me and my buddies still have ice hockey tournaments…what fun…

And also Street fighter 2 special chamption edition!!! now that game will always hold a special place in my heart…

The other day my girlfriend brought her old 8bit!!! system out of the closet so we played tetris again. damn addictive!!

Old skool is the best skool

Go back a bit farther until you find the original Metroid. THAT GAME ROCKS.

FTR, I find it most often in the clearance section of EB, Electronics Etc., and other “chain” software stores. I’d be happy to pick you up a copy if you want (since I’ll be in there buying mine and all). Just drop me an email.

Another oldie that I’ve been indulging via emulators - Super Dodge Ball. Not quite as much fun as I remember, but still damn good. Same goes for Gain Ground. :slight_smile:

KKBattousai, e-mail is on the way! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Yeah, X-COM rocked. I got a computer late in life (I still resent my parents to this very day), and that was one of the first games I got.

I remember one time I landed in a terror site. My guys are charging down the ramp, and the first 4 rows get toasted with a guided missile a la “Saving Private Ryan”. Boy was I surprised and angry, but later I appreciated it. That was a game that wouldn’t let you get complacent.

I have been looking for that feeling since. The follow-up X-COMs didn’t do it. Jagged Alliance was too annoying with the amount of weapons they gave you.

I got Fallout Tactics recently, and I think we have a winner

I wish I could get my original Wing Commander 1 and 2 to work. ::Sigh:: I loved those games. And Ultima 7. That game was tense!

I occasionally try to run these through DOS using Moslo, but they never work right. I don’t know enough about DOS to be able to make them work. Oh well.