I cannot imagine him not winning this. I think Josh is wonderful, Amaro is a fantastic singer and much more appealing being herself, but if we’re talking “X Factor” Rene has it all and then some. Everything. Charm, sex appeal, plenty of talent that is fresh, real, and original as both a performer and a songwriter, and a compelling story. He’s got it all and he’s going to win and I love him.
I don’t watch the show but based on passing it by while my wife is watching I’ve decided I want the guy from Balls of Fury to win.
I’m pretty meh on Chris, and he’s the new Vote For The Worst pick.
I’m hoping for a Josh win.
And I’m actually sad about Astro going home, even though he was a little dick. That kid was TALENTED.
I would care more about these people if the show itself weren’t so obnoxious.
Chris is a total snoozefest. But he does sound quite a bit better when he’s working with his own material.
Melanie Amaro, on the other hand, sounded great on that Whitney/Mariah song. Nothing original, but I don’t think I’ve heard another talent show contestant come close to sounding as polished on a “diva” song.
And if there’s one thing the world so doesn’t need, it’s another diva. “snoozefest” is the perfect description for Mariah and Celine and Whitney…gah.
I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but I do think she is immensely gifted vocally.
Ultimately I doubt that I’d buy an album from any of the contestants, which I suppose is the only thing that matters in the end!
I would probably have bought an album from Leroy Bell (the 59 year old guy) - I thought he was awesome, and I loved his voice. I hope he still puts something out - I think he was one of the top contestants and got the boot early. The only one that I might consider at this point is Josh Crajcik - I like his voice, too. Marcus is fine, but he’s pretty dime-a-dozen, too.
Rachel Crow is bugging the piss out of me, as did Astro before he got the boot. I hate singing kids.
ETA: I forgot to rant about how much I hate the format of this show - 30 seconds of singing, and five minutes of the judges fellating a contestant, then eight minutes of commercials, then a full minute of graphics before we get 30 seconds of singing again. Gah.
I’m with you across the board here. The only time that Rachel has not bugged me and has also impressed me was a few weeks ago when she sang that very soulful song and announced that it had been her own pick. But outside of that she not only annoys me, I am consistently amazed that no one seems to notice the weakness of her ability: she is off-pitch a LOT. (So is Rene when he isn’t working with his own material…lessons there, folks.)
And “dime-a-dozen” is exactly the way to describe Marcus. A gigantic “Who?”
I predict that one of those two will go tonight. I PRAY one of those two goes, and the other next week. Chris, Josh, and Melanie are the only ones who deserve to be in the final 3, anything else would be a sin.
I don’t like her but rachels meltdown was sad…she’s so young…
Rachel’s voice is promising to me, and oddly I liked her more right up until the meltdown. She was so poised saying “I"m okay with anything. It’s okay Marcus”. It came across to me as if someone told her to overreact. Then I remembered she’s a 13 year old, and that a meltdown can occur with less provocation than losing a shot at 5 million dollars and a recording contract.
She has a powerhouse voice and I believe she should have a contract…in 5 or 6 years. I’m not too disappointed in the elimination. Let her be a kid.
I almost ignored this thread because so far I haven’t really like Chris Rene much beyond his audition. Not that I thought he was bad, but his style is not what I prefer. In fact I usually ff through his performances. I watched him after reading here and I did like his original song. It’s not as if I’m part of their target demographic. I never expected that the winner would conform to my tastes.