

You are a jerk. Don’t ever e-mail me again. FYI, I didn’t get either Bullroar or Red Bull banned. If you had taken the time to check a few threads before you emailed me and told me “Don’t be so dense” ,among other things, you would have known that.

And I can’t get anyone banned, it doesn’t work that way. People get themselves banned.

Now stay off my back.


Jeez, looks like TheFadingOgreUrge has followers. {shudder} :eek:


I’m sorry. This looks like a result of a post I made earlier. It may not be, but if it is, I sure didn’t mean to set the idiot on to you.

I ran into this creep over in ATMB a few days ago and found that he either takes everything anyone says very personally or he can’t read English very well. FYI, I saw a post made by Bullroar that mentioned he was going to become Red Bull and posted a link to that remark for the mods to check out.

Red Bull is not banned, as of last check. X-fool is wrong about that.

You didn’t do it aenea, X-Fool (love the name BTW ) is just a jerk plain and simple. He is too stupid to check his facts before he emails me and declares that I got someone banned. Like I told him, people get banned because of things they do, not because of what someone else does.

Since Bullroar posted about a name change himself it could be him, or it could be yet another of our infamous imposters who read the thread and decided to make trouble.

I’m sure the mods will figure it out.

We are aware of and working on it. Thank you for your patience.


Those of us with half a brain know you guys and gals are working on it.

The rest don’t really matter do they ?

For everyone else I posted X-fool’s email in his thread
“What X-files was too shy to say” I would post a link but haven’t learned how to make links work with this set up yet.

I have however learned to cut and paste today. Yeehaaaaww !

Ayesha, I’m beginning to suspect that X-files DIDN’T E-mail you… as I said in the other thread, his address was X-files while the other one was X_files… new type of troll runnin’ around, perhaps?

If I wronged X-files, I am sorry.

But he has still been being an ass here on the board.