Well, let me start out by saying I’m not a hardcore gamer or really even a casual one, but a year or 2 ago my brother gave me a Xbox with a broken cdrom in it which I replaced and have had no problems with it since. The other day though I was walking in the mall and found some really cheap games, so I decided to give them a try. One the games is called Legends of Xmen2 and it turned out to be entertaining enough to get pretty far in, but after all my progress the game started freezing up, mostly when alot of action was happening ( big explosion, alot of fighting etc) so I would lose my progress as the only way to play again would be to turn off the Xbox and restart it. At first, I thought maybe it was overheating, I even took off the cover, then I thought maybe it’s the DVD drive, but I know that this is the newest component on the whole thing. But then I started suspecting the DVD itself, because I can play any other game with no lock-ups I can even play this Xmen game from a different save point (earlier in the game). However I can now, no longer get to my progress on my latest save. The save is there as an option but when I select it, nothing happens ( well the front screen freezes trying to access this save).
So I’ve started trying to back-up saves of my games to the controller memory card only not all game saves can be backed-up. I played through the KOTOR series games and I’ve noticed I can’t back those up either. I know that I’m selecting the actual game save, but I get no option to copy this file to the memory card.
How can I save my games that I’ve invested the most time in? I want to try erasing the cache procedure found HERE
However, according to their write up, I’m not selecting an actual game save. I know it’s using what I’m selecting to access the point in the game, but it will not allow me to copy this… grrr :mad: