Yah - so my head is going to explode...



Just thought I’d share.


[sub]I think I’ll go fling myself into traffic now…[/sub]

A previous SO used to get those. She’d spend days in a dark bedroom, no noise allowed.

My sympathies.

Rysdad [sub]…who has never had a headache in his entire life.[/sub]

You suck.

And I’m stuck at work for about another hour, so I can’t even take any of my Tylenol #3’s. (I wouldn’t be able to drive home)


Migraines + staring at computer screen = Bad Idea.

Migraines + Soma + Vicodin + Trazedone + favorite fuzzy blanket and a fat pillow = Good Idea.

I will be home soon…

There can be many causes for chronic migraines. The most common of which, I’m informed, are an over abundance of sodium, which will constric blood vessels in the brain, or sporadic circulation to the brain.

The latter is easily cured by a lengthy massage to the head, shoulders, and trepezius muscle groups. This massage, must not be too light, nor too vehement. Rolling pressure with the fingers is perfecet.

As for the overabundance of sodium, there’s an element which will neutralize sodium, but at the moment I forget what it is <as I drool on myself>. Eating foods high in ‘that element, compound, etc.’, and drinking fluids, will cure this.

I don’t get migraines, but whenever I get headaches, I apply coldpacks to the pressure points on my hands, and they usually go away.

I love giving massages al., but unfortunately, we’re probably some distance from each other, so this is all I can do:


Hope you feel better

It’s true…the part about not ever having a headache I mean.

Once the Univ of Minn was asking for volunteers for a headache study, and I called them to see if they could determine why I had never had one–thinking maybe it could help their study. The person didn’t believe me and blew me off.

Things balance out, though. I get gout attacks instead or headaches.

Ok, I’m home, I’ve taken drugs, and in about 20 minutes, I will be so stoned that I don’t care about my headache.

I can hardly wait…

P.S. Thanks for the offer of massage moe.ron. :slight_smile: