Ye Gods, Man! What The Bloody Fuck Are You Doing?

I’m at work tonight when nature calls. So I go into the bathroom, take care of my business at the urinal and just as I’m about step over to the sinks to wash my hands, the janitor comes out of the stall that he’s been cleaning. He then proceeds to clean the sinks and counter-tops with the toilet brush he just used to scrub the fucking toilets with!!!

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the neatest housekeeper in the world, but I have never, ever fucking scrubbed the sink with anything that I’ve just used on a toilet! And I don’t know what the fuck the blue shit was that he was spraying all over the sinks and the counter-top, and I don’t care if it was the world’s most powerful disinfectant, you do not use a toilet brush to clean a sink! That’s fucking nasty, Goddess knows what kind of crap (no pun intended) you could be spreading all over the place!

I realize that a lot of people in that place have their heads up their ass, but I, for one do not and I don’t want to have to touch other people’s shit! I had enough of that when I worked in the Stop-N-Rob[sup]TM[/sup].

I may never wash my hands at work again.

It must have been some sort of sleight-of-hand thing-- a traditional janitor practical joke with a storied history.

Please. Either that or there’s some new hyper-intelligent strain of e coli that’s evolved some sort of mind-control. Because nobody could ever really do something that repulsive. Especially if their paid to clean things.

Actually-- that might be it.

“I’ll teach those filthy motherfuckers to piss on the floor!”

Meanwhile management wonders why so many people are being stricken with “stomach flu.”


Agh! The hyperintelligent e coli made me spell “they’re” in an embarrassing way! We’re all doomed!

I hear you, Tucker!

In the dorm that I fondly (sarcasm!) call home, I routinely see the janitorial staff in the elevators punching the floor buttons STILL WEARING THE GLOVES THEY USED TO CLEAN THE COMMUNAL BATHROOMS!!:mad:


I am most careful not to touch my mouth or eyes until I get home and wash my hands…

I can, however, see how far the woman who cleans our floor can reach… the window beside the elevator is clean up to a height of about seven feet! Above that it’s dirty… she’s pretty short…

What? They don’t have apartments in Korea?

Who was it that had a thread about the maid service that dipped cloths in his toilet and then used them to clean the rest of the bathroom?


It’s dinner time right now in Hong Kong. Thank you all for totally, utterly ruining my meal.

I can’t speak for those janitors, but when I wear gloves when cleaning the bathroom, I do it to protect my hands from the caustic chemicals I’m using on the tub, and not to keep dirt/germs off them - that I just deal with and wash off with soap and water. Somehow I suspect that’s not the case with these guys though. I also don’t wander around the rest of the house with the gloves on.

And yeah, when I read the OP, the first thing I thought about was the poster who’d described his apartment building’s cleaning lady taking a towel or cloth of some kind and dipping it into the toilet to clean surfaces in the bathroom.

Hmm, going to search for that thread, actually…

[hamster stressing commences]

Ah, I found it, the thread from thinksnow: Please don’t use toilet water to wash my place, thanks

Yeah, of course they do… but the dorm room is free, whereas an apartment would cost me a BUNCH! You see, renting an apartment here isn’t as simple as first/last month’s rent and a security deposit. They have this obnoxious thing called “key money” that you have to pay up front! Minimum $5000 or so, and I’ve heard of people paying upwards of $50,000 for a really nice apartment. This is money that you hand over to the landlord, and he/she keeps it in the bank or invests it. And you then pay monthy rent. When you vacate the apartment, you get your key money back (unless your landlord has gone bankrupt… then, I think, you are SOL). While I could afford the key money, I’d rather keep my money under MY control (or, more accurately, Astrogirl’s)…

Let me repeat: the dorm room is free!:wink:

(NB: the above info. on how “key money” works may not be completely correct. All second-hand information.)

The “key money” sounds the same as a security deposit, just at a much higher level.

Oh, and cleaning the sinks with the toilet brush is pretty nasty.

Aaaaaaaaaaaa, flashbacks!

I remember your thread thinksnow.
You handled it rather well I recall.
Advice for Tuckerfan?

Is it a stiff toilet brush? Cause those have a tendency to send a nice little aerosol spray into the air when the bristels spring back. Who knows what surfaces could have little droplets on them?

My SO’s brother is a custodian and has a hilarious story along these lines. This guy worked at a high school and a few girls got into the habit of applying their lipstick and kissing the mirror in the bathroom. I guess it was a pain to clean what with all the wax and stuff, so the custodian asked the prinicipal to call the girls into the bathroom so he could show them how hard it wa to clean off. When they got their, the custodian explained the difficulty and then actually showed them how tough it was by taking the toilet brush, dipping it in the toilet, and scrubbing the mirrir with it. Needless to say, those girls lip NEVER touched that (or probably any) mirror again.

HA! That story kills me every time! Maybe it’s just custodian folklore, but I still love it!

Do you have a site for this?

Looked like, but as you can well imagine, I didn’t want to get too close.

Awwwwww! By the time I find this thread the game appears to have dissolved.

Boo-hoo :frowning:

I’m almost certain that it is just custodian folklore… I know I’ve read that story somewhere before…

Check Snopes. It’s there.

Yup… it’s at Snopes! Here.

But they don’t dismiss it as false… interesting.