I’m sure I could figure this out, but I do the trial by error approach, and that would mean at least a few unintelligible posts. How can I quote a part of another Dopers post? I’ve made a few attempts, but keep copying the entire post.
Use quote button to quote whole post. Delete unwanted portions.
Cut and paste desired text to quote, enclosing pasted text in quote coding as demonstrated.
But there is a third method that has some virtues: It assures you that your post won’t be lost altogether if the system is sluggish or inaccessible when you submit; it enables you to work with multiple quotes, including from several people’s posts; it permits spellcheck; and it may well be faster typing than is possible otherwise.
This is the following:
Use MS Word, Wordpad, or other text editor to compose your post. Keep the Dope open in a browser. Use cut-and-paste to extract quotes and enclose in quote-code brackets as in (2). When you’ve completed your proposed post, select all and copy, switch to the browser, click on the “reply” (not “quote” button) and paste the whole thing in at once. Submit as usual.
Use quote button to quote whole post. Delete unwanted portions.
I was going to post solely to ask where the quote button was now.By chance I found it when I clicked “Reply”. Thanks.