Yellow v.s. white popcorn

Is there any real difference between the two? What? Why would someone, say, in a grocery store, choose one over the other.

BLACK popcorn, on the other hand, does seem to taste a little diferrent.

White and yellow snow. Do you reckon there is a connection?

The “yellow” variety pops up quite a bit larger but is slightly tougher, it’s is used for pre-popped bagged varieties and “movie popcorn” and likely most, if not all, micro-wave varieties. It’s probably less expensive (on the wholesale level) as well, another reason for its use. The idea is to avoid the ‘puffs’ from breaking off in shipment, and it looks like more product since it makes larger kernels.

I’ve tried “Orvilles” brand of gourmet and found it lacking compared to bargain basement brand white popcorn. It tastes better and is not prone to the nasty husks embedding themselves in my gums, too.