Yes! A new Onion book!!!

Here’s some good news for this week:

The Onion has a new book out. It’s another compilation of stuff from the paper and web site. The title is “Dispatches From the Tenth Circle”. Most of it I’ve seen, but here are a few gems I must have missed when they came around on the web site:

“Supreme Court Overturns Car”

“Yak Chews Thoughtfully”

“Trophy Wife Mounted”

“Dwarf Falls Equivalent of 10 Stories”

Gotta love the Onion. :slight_smile:

I’ve only just discovered and understood “The Onion” about two weeks ago. Before that, any “Onion” thread that came up, I just did not get. ( I am a little slow.)

I am now addicted to them.

I saw it in Barnes & Noble.
Loved the “If you like boxes full of shit in your house, get a cat.”