Yes . I KNOW You Bought Your Lousy Car In Germany-WHO CARES!!

I can’t stand these yuppie scum who keep the german plates on their crummy M-Bs and BMWs-they think they have some status because of this…“hey everybody-look at me! …I BOUGHT my car in GERMANY!”
Well, I don’t give a FLYING FUCK! In fact, the next time I can’t get a parking space (because you have parked your nazi-made pimpmobile in TWO parking spaces), I’m going to take my keys and sharpen up that paint job for you!
A nice long scratch ought to tell you that “you have arrived”. What. do you think you are still a kid in the sandbox, and think you are better than anybody else, because you were stupid enough to:
-buy an overpriced piece of junk in Europe
-parade around with the proof of your idiotic purchase (the german plate) attached to your bumper
Well enjoy! I hope that when you drive your piece of crap in for its 3000-mile service, “Otto” or “Karl” fucks you royally-with a $1500.00 bill for an oil change!

Your Ford Escort broke down again, huh?


OK, but if the rest of the sentence doesn’t show up in 15 minutes, we’re leaving without it.

Hey, now! Watch it, buddy! When I had my Mercedes the oil changes were only $1200.00 thankyouverymuch.

Now that I’ve got the XJ6 they’re back up to $1500.00, though.

Telegram for mr. Wiesenthal. STOP. Found all remaining Nazis. STOP. They’re building BMW’s in Bavaria. STOP.

Vorsprung durch Godwin’s law, as they say in Germany.

At the risk of being “whooshed”- are the oil changes really that expensive? Do you have to have them done every 3,000 miles still, or is that like, over the lifetime of the car? :wink: Holy God!

As for ralphie, though they are undoubtedly a status symbol:

  1.  Isn't buying one of these cars in Germany substantially cheaper than purchasing the same one in America?

  2.  It's called capitalism, baby- someday when you've got a pot to piss in, are you still gonna drive that junker?  

Me, I like the idea of buying nice things for myself, and though its been addressed in other threads, let me just point out that messing with someone’s car is a crime punishable buy severe beatings about one’s head in many car owners’ minds, my own included. There’s nothing to gain from it, and what are you really railing against? Assholes that park in more than one space? Well, you’d be a much bigger asshole to risk fines, jail, and/or beatings to make an anonymous point. If it’s capitalism itself, then I think you took a wrong turn at Cuba.

Ask yourself this: would you be brave enough instead to hang out and confront the car owner face-to-face?

My guess is “no.”


Awesome! The German-NAZI correlation/joke is ALWAYS A HIT! I LOVE IT!

Keep it comin’ American redneck cowboy!

Mmm. With regard to German plates on cars, I think we may provisionally divide humanity into four groups (makes a change from the usual two).

  1. Those who notice these things, and view them as a status symbol.
  2. Those who notice these things, and are driven by them to paroxysms of rage.
  3. Those who notice these things, and don’t care one way or the other.
  4. Those who don’t notice these things.

“But how, O great sage of Kingston Bagpuize, may we know those of groups 3 and 4?” you ask. “By their lower blood pressure”, I reply.

No, they’re not. That post was, as usual, my lame attempt at humor.

I take the XJ6 and the Land Rover to the good ol’ Jiffy Lube. Actually, Mr. Tech takes them but we bring our own synthetic oil. When we had the Mercedes, it to went to Jiffy Lube. We had to pay a tab bit more because it held more oil than your average car.

We do take the cars to places that specialize in Jags and Land Rovers for tune-ups and servicing, though.

JuanitaTech, still wrapping her mind around paying $1200.00 for an oil change.

What I hate is those dumb scum parading around in their American cars. “Hey, look at me, I bought a car!” they say.

Next time I see one of those trashy redneck-made chrome ashtrays on wheels, shamelessly out looking for parking spaces, I’m going beat it flat into the ground with a hammer. That ought to tell them they’ve arrived and teach them to stop flaunting it in front of the twisted and the jealous.

I hope “Billy-Bob” and “Bobby-Joe Junior” charge them lots for scraping the remains off the tarmac.

(Do I have to mention this is a parody now? Or did you get that? Good.)

ummm… link?

I’ll provide the link for Futile Gesture. :smiley:

Mercedes Benz and Bavarian Motor Works both make extremely fine automobiles, not pieces of junk.
Your jealousy is pathetically transparent.
Your threat to do them criminal mischief could land you in jail.
Never did I think I’d live long enough to see someone rant about a licence plate.

This better be your fucking birthday.

and if it’s not your fucking birthday…



Can’t answer questions 2 or 3 for you (I bought mine here), but not only are oil changes no more expensive (except for the oil itself, many of the newer models require synthetic oil), but there is no such thing as 3,000 mile scheduled service on the newer models. The first scheduled service for me is between 12 and 18,000 miles depending on driving conditions (and driving style, I’m going to hit at the very low end of that scale), so in the long run, it’s probably cheaper.

Also, I think I’ve been on these boards long enough that a joke about being fucked royally by Karl or Otto goes without saying.

BTW, European delivery of BMW is usually 3% to 7% cheaper than list price here in the US. Yes, that does include transportation of the car, prep, and insurance of the car to drive it Europe for up to 1 month.

Seem to be pretty smart yuppies…

Dude, chill out.

It’s just a fucking car, and while that is annoying that they park it in two spots, scratching their car up isn’t going to do shit for you except possibly earn you a criminal record.