- More specifically, is there anyplace that offers free UPC barcode fonts? I have seen a couple (free barcode fonts) already: Code 3X (which doesn’t appear at all to be the same as the standard UPC code) and another named 3of9 which could be, I can’t tell. Most places that “sell” UPC bar code fonts bury it inside a utility that automatically prints the whole standard barcode, and they want too much and I don’t need all that anyway. I can lay the whole thing out with a graphics program, so all I need is the bar codes themselves. Anybody know? - MC
Code 3of9 is a standard barcode type, but I don’t think it is the same as UPCs. There’s a whole array of different barcode types, but I’m pretty sure the UPC one is just called “UPC”.
About five years ago, I worked on a project where I had to encode names into barcodes and print them onto a badge. I had no luck with the barcode fonts, because there has to be special start and stop patterns that the fonts seem incapable of producing. I settled on a fairly inexpensive shareware program that was accessible through DDE. I hope that helps you!
Unless you need your barcodes to work with something very specific, I think Greg’s solution should work because the barcode reading equipment I’ve worked with (Symbol, Intermec) could read any font.
Is something like this what you want?
This site accepts numerical input from you and outputs an image. It will even compute a checksum and add text above the barcode. The barcode is valid, as it contains the correct beginning, central, and end characters. The service is web-based, but you should be able to save the file.
I hope that helps.