Yet another Doper Picture Thread.

I don’t ever do this, but why not?

I hope these are visible:

Me in Spain, two months ago

No, I’m not standing in a river of blood; that’s one of the sources of Spains Red River, colored red with iron…

Same vacation, Roman theatre… (I’m hiding as much of me as possible behind my husband…)

Faithfool, you look cute! That red hair looks good on you.

Yeahhh …about the hair…
It runs in my family.
The daughter:
This is me without the blue hair:

Oddly I still have that sneaky smirk even with the red curls.

::: blushes :::

Thanks Shirley! :smiley:

Oh, you have no idea. The whole time I set there going, “I could touch his hair.” and then I’d start to swoon a little and figured that wouldn’t be the best of ideas. :stuck_out_tongue:

What, me or looking like Alice at 61? :wink:

Awww, just another reason I adore you. You like my red hair. Thank you.
And in case I didn’t make it clear enough with my initial post, I think all you people are just terrific. What a fine looking group you all are.

Stealth Potato you are* deliciously* nerdy.

blush Why thank you.

And no, the top is not homemade. I picked it up a couple of summers ago in a shop in Toronto’s Little India district… it met my usual requirements of cute, comfy and cheap.

Shouldn’t be hard to replicate at home, though. BurdaStyle even has a very similar pattern you can download for cheap.

Rushgeek, blue hair is even better when you can put it back in the closet when you’re in the mood for something a bit less Smurfy. And It’s pretty neat as far as family heirlooms go, too. :slight_smile:

From back in the day (1995), me with long hair and a really bad sweater. I’m on the left.

Living up to my username in the Hokkaido backcountry - Telemark

No, no, no. I’m on the right. The right, damn it!

I thought you might have meant the right. Based on these clues:

[li]You mentioned a sweater, the young lady is wearing a gown.[/li][li]Your email address implies that you are a baritone.[/li][/ul]

But hey, she might be a baritone.

Oh my is he ever. I suspect he is a stealth sweet potato.
My contribution:

At work

At play

This is me on a trip last week to Yorktown, VA.



You get cuter every time you post! (Are you tired of me telling you that?)

Good lord, no!

Frankly I can’t hear it enough!! :smiley:

You are adorable. Not just in your recent pic. The braids and plaid were smokin! :smiley:

I may or may not be in rare and exotic states of consciousness in this one.

This is a little more normal.

Heh, thank you! That dress was really scary, but man, I loved it that Christmas. I wore my hair in braids for just years and years once I was able to grow it long. As a young kid my folks kept my hair short for the sake of convenience.

My parents had just given me the pearl necklace as a Christmas present and I was just feeling so stylin’, sporting the Extreme Laura Ashley Look!

And re your pic: like others have said, I love-love-love your blue hair!! :cool:

Here I am having a bad bangs day:

And with some of my students:

Bad webcam photos…

Okay, my girlfriend will kill me if she finds out I posted this (don’t tell her, okay?) because she doesn’t like how she looks in it, but here is a picture that we took at Navy Pier this weekend.