Yet another Doper Picture Thread.

I’m sure you’re all wondering what the face of this prolific poster looks like, so here it is.

On the bike

That’s me and the wife.

With the dog’s at Christmas

Well then I’ll just add that the close up from that same series is adorable! :slight_smile:

You are sweet. Thank you very much.

Dug up some more:
More hair and more angry

Seen here calm… but deadly.

Nice to meet you, me droogie. :wink:

A couple of years and one beard ago.

Thank you muchly. :smiley:

Cute cute cute cute cute CUTE!

Well, thanks. Your bribe is in the mail. And if anyone gives you heat, give 'em what for with your blaster!

Love the Gold Wing. Did you know they’re actually coming out with a Gold Wing that has a small sleeping quarters? It will be quite cramped, but enough space to fit one person with a pillow and sheet. A small trailer with an additional sleeping berth and a small toilet facility can also be purchased and towed behind.

Well, let’s see if I can kill this thread: Me and my handsome dog, Padraic.

Thalion, I’ll kill it.

Here’s me behind and above the Buckeyes 4 Barack sign, my wife to my right with her eyes shut, and some politician out-of-focus in the foreground. From my local newspaper.

My wife and me at a wedding.

Here’s me on my birthday last month. Yes, I’m really that old. Ugh.

That truly is a handsome dog. It again makes me sad that I am not allowed to have a proper dog at my current place.

While looking at this, I happened to notice the picture of the raccoons. Which is the cutest damn thing I have seen in my life. Why can’t I get adorable, sleepy raccoons? I always get the obese murdery kind. :frowning:

I recently changed my hair color.

Just so’s ye know some of the facebook hosted pics are inaccessible to non-facebookers such as myself.

Looking weary, May 2009.

Oh, why not. That’s me in front, in the blue necktie:

And I’m the token white guy in this shot:

Agreed … very cute.

Hello there, Mr. Silver Fox!

facebook profile picture
