Yet another "I'm Old" thread

Was musing today about working the past few days with the new girl. Turns out we both got kicked out of the same church. No, I didn’t know her. She would have been somewhere around 10 or 12 when I went there. Anyway, we were comparing notes on why we got booted. Hers included (but were not limited to) her sexuality.

My unspoken thought was, how lucky kids are these days. I know things ain’t great as they could be but man it’s way better now than it was.

Kids today have much more freedom to explore themselves in all ways. Yes, there are still consequenses, but when I was that age, fessing up to the subtlies of my sexual preferences woulda got me labeled as some kind of weird freak.

Happily, from my pov, being raised in a strictly christian family, she has some awareness of this.

Yep, I think I’m finally growing up and being an adult on the inside as well as on the outside makes me feel old.

Who else has had a moment like this that just whammied them?

Oh, Dork. The older I get the more I want to do the silly un-adult things. I’m in a hurry to do so. Times running out.

The grand-kids keep me feeling playful.

But, dang-it I’m sick to death of Disney movies. I swear these kids are gonna watch all the Clint Eastwood movies before the lockdown is over. What better life lessons could I teach them?

You’re only young as you feel (act) :smiley: