Yet another song identification

This one’s going to be very tricky, because it’s an instrumental.

In the 1990s, I would often hear a piano-only instrumental as background music in PSAs and on PBS nature programs. It would start out as a single note, and then multiple notes in the treble register, and then the bass register would come in. It was maybe 2 minutes long when played in its entirety. I have not heard it in new programming for quite some time.

I have absolutely no idea what this tune is called, or who has performed it. I wouldn’t consider it classical.

Try the PBS website. You might be able to find it in one of the shows on there.

Complete guess, but something from one of Brian Eno’s Ambient Music collections. Perhaps “Music for Airports?”

Or maybe Satie’s Gymnopedie?

It’s not from “Trois Gymnopedie”, and I have heard it on a couple of PBS tapes and DVDs I’ve watched over the years, and in the credits, the type is too small to read, or goes by too fast for me to hit pause before it scrolls offscreen.