Yikes! Matthew McConaughey on the Daily Show

Well, look at the movies he’s been making lately- apart from*** Magic Mike***, none of them look like mainstream crowd-pleasers.

He’s DEFINITELY looking to branch out. At a certain point, he must have figured, “I have enough money to support my family comfortably. So, now I don’t have to take every big paycheck I’m offered. I can hold out for more interesting or challenging roles.”

He MAY end up doing some great work, or he may end up like Tugg Speedman in Tropic Thunder, vainly trying to get an Oscar by taking “serious” roles he’s utterly wrong for.

Tuggernuts’s agent being, in fact, one of McC’s best roles to date.

How you not doin’?

Muscle will go away pretty damn quickly if you stop eating and stop working out.

McConaughey is getting a lot of positive buzz for Killer Joe despite it being given the NC-17 death sentence. Looks interesting.